New Royal Mail prices come into force on 26th March

Last month we reported on changes coming to Royal Mail prices in a price called Royal Mail Stamp Price rises 2p from 26th March 2018. But at that time there wasn’t specific information all available about changes to business prices.

There’s some stuff to be aware of coming into force today, and you can find the key details on the Royal Mail page website dedicated to the changes. There are specific sections regarding marketplace sellers and also business users.

What are the major changes to Royal Mail prices for business users?

These are the headline stamp changes for 1st and 2nd class:

Royal Mail 1st Class and 2nd Class Price changes


Weight up to

1st Class Price

2nd Class Price






100g 65p 67p 56p 58p

Large Letter

100g 98p £1.01 76p 79p
250g £1.30 £1.40 £1.22 £1.26
500g £1.74 £1.87 £1.58 £1.64
750g £2.52 £2.60 £2.14 £2.22

Small Parcel

1kg £3.40 £3.45 £2.90 £2.95
2kg £5.50 £5.50 £2.90 £2.95

Medium Parcel

1kg £5.70 £5.75 £5.00 £5.05
2kg £8.95 £8.95 £5.00 £5.05
5kg £15.85 £15.85 £13.75 £13.75
10kg £21.90 £21.90 £20.25 £20.25
20kg £33.40 £33.40 £28.55 £28.55

For the full raft of business fee changes which come into force today, the full PDF guide can be found here. As Royal says: “Your actual price changes are dependent on your posting profile. The price change indicators above are based on the Royal Mail average profile.” Prices for Special Delivery Guaranteed by 1pm and 9am will remain unchanged for all.

Business rates for sending a 1st Class Letter will start from 57p and prices for sending a 2nd Class Letters will start from 38p. You can send a 1st Class Small Parcel from £3.22 or a 2nd Class Small Parcel from £2.72.

Probably one of the biggest changes coming in the pipeline at Royal Mail for business customers relates to the decommissioning of DMO and the replacement with the Click & Drop service. As they say in the material related to the changes coming:

After 8 years, we’re replacing DMO with our new and improved Click & Drop® service, which provides all the features of DMO. As well as being simpler, smarter and a lot more innovative, Click & Drop® is future proof – which means it will constantly update and improve to meet your needs of your business.
– Royal Mail

10 Responses

  1. “After 8 years, we’re replacing DMO with our new and improved Click & Drop® service, which provides all the features of DMO. As well as being simpler, … ”

    All the features apart from the ability to specify in a CSV an item is to be sent RM48 signed for.

    Regarding simpler, I am not sure that having to click 4 buttons to generate a manifest makes the system simpler…

  2. Here we go million pound bonuses all round, lets rip the public off wile the tory clowns are still in power.

  3. Just look at the feedback for click & drop and you will see it doesn’t work half the time and when it does work there are many features missing that are available in DMO. It is a complete disaster.

  4. Having been forced to change over to Click And Drop from DMO, I thought it was OK at first, not massively different to use, though noticed there were more error messages from when it failed a task, which it did more often compared to DMO.

    Then there was the fiasco the other week, where C&C was operating at sub-dial up speeds before finally packing in entirely, on a Monday morning of course! With no practical alternative in place, we just had to hope Royal Mail sorted it out in time. Going to the post office (as they suggested) and paying post office prices isn’t an option when you’ve budgeted for Royal Mail 48, particularly for the parcels (there is price hike from small to medium parcel)

    They shold keep DMO alive just as a back up for when C&C crashes for hours, as it did the other Monday. If they did this, and just made a few tweaks to the design and usage of C&C, it’d be a really decent set up. If not, well, it still beats standing in a line in post office.

    As for the price increases, not bothered. Pennies. Hardly unfair.

  5. “Click & Drop® is future proof” We will see….

    Click & Drop is great, fantastico, what would we do without it?

    Well not exactly…

    It works well for us on a daily basis, apparently, there are features that are not included that were in DMO.

    I have never used DMO, I went from using OBA to C&D.

    @Gav – Monday mornings can be a struggle, I try and get all mine processed by 8.30am. But I have found speed varies depending on which computer I am using as well as the browser, during heavy load times.

    There are new features that they are meant to be adding as well as small improvements each week. But C&D support are about as useless as the rest of RM Back-Office staff.

    The programming / development team is very good, they are not RM and I forget the name of the company, but their hands are tied as far as adding in features, as RM is their customer.

    Overall I am very pleased with it and have not given the 2p increase much thought.

  6. overall click and drop is very good
    if only royal mail would spend time and effort updating their TRACKING technology
    our local postie treats his pda as if its the enemy


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