It has been revealed that one million small businesses sell on Amazon in the USA, according to the newly published Amazon Small Business Impact report. You can find the full report here.
According to findings in the Small Business Impact Report:
Amazon first invited small businesses to sell on Amazon nearly two decades ago, and today small businesses and entrepreneurs are a vital part of Amazon’s continued growth and commitment to customers. We’re excited to share more about these entrepreneurs and their success in our inaugural Amazon Small Business Impact Report.
– Jeff Wilke, CEO Worldwide Consumer, Amazon
Perhaps the most interesting aspect of this report about businesses that sell on amazon across the globe is the recognition that it has helped create near to a million new jobs all around the world. By any contact that’s an astonishing number. But it’s also revealing that Amazon estimate that only think 20,000 SMEs sellers turnover more than a million dollars per year on Amazon. Now, obviously bigger brands and retailers will be doing the same and more but it does seem like a small number and a low percentage of total sellers (and we assume that’s globally too not just in the USA). It does, however, demonstrate that there is huge potential for growth, even in what is a most competitive environment.