President Trump resumes assault against Amazon over US Postal Service

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The President of the United States, Donald Trump, has resumed his assault on Amazon and its founder Jeff Bezos this afternoon. President Trump has reiterated his belief that the United States Postal services (USPS) essentially subsidises Amazon parcels by not charging enough.

We’ve written about this issue before. But here are the two most recent tweets from President Trump. Notably, he accuses the Washington Post (owned by Bezos) of being part of a campaign against him and the government:

The President clearly has problems not just with Amazon but also the founder and CEO Jeff Bezos. In particular he insinuates that the Washington Post is a mouth piece for Amazon. Bezos owns the Post personally as part of a trust and doesn’t interfere editorially.

The more vital claim is the extent to which the national postal services, USPS, which loses money, is helping Amazon. Trump believes that USPS should be charging more to improve financial performance. USPS itself has said that Trump’s claim that they make a loss on Amazon parcels to the tune of a few dollars a time to be inaccurate. But that clearly isn’t going to stop the current incumbent of the White House.

Keep an eye on Twitter this afternoon if you want to see if Trump makes any more related pronouncements. It doesn’t look like this dispute is going to go away anytime soon.

2 Responses

  1. Shocked that I might agree with Trump on something … though it might hit me in the pocket.

  2. Well hopefully the world will wake up and see the amazon dollar is killing businesses by paying chicken feed for services it uses then when they falter they swallow them up and operate the service themselves.
    So it will be farm to plate soon for them on everything globally.
    Then it will be too late for anyone to complain it needs stopping before it rules the world.


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