The British consumer rights group Which? has warned consumers not to get too over-excited by the hype surrounding the Amazon Prime Day deals by warning that “not all offers will be as good as they seem.”
In particular, they note that sometimes Amazon products are actually cheaper at other times of the year. That said, a cursory glance over the Amazon Prime Day deals page (which does give prominence to Amazon’s key product lines) that the prices for Echo devices do look most competitive right now. We wrote about the first wave of deals available to Prime subscribers earlier today and Amazon’s private labels are strongly represented and deep discounted.
Although these time-limited sales events can offer great discounts, not all offers will be as good as they seem. It can be easy to get swept along by the hype and excitement on the day, so we recommend preparing in advance and researching what you want to buy, to make sure you can tell the difference between a good deal and a dud on Amazon Prime Day.
– Adam French, Which? consumer rights editor
Caveat Emptor. Buyer beware. It’s a little mantra worth remembering even in the age of strong consumer protections and the very solid buyer rights that exist on Amazon and elsewhere. And whether there’s any truth in Which?’s cautionary tales will entirely depend on what you’re looking to buy but the chances are (if you know what you’re buying) that Prime Day offers a good opportunity for price conscious shoppers.
What is perhaps more notable is that a body such as Which? is so obviously keen to get their share of the Amazon Prime Day deals publicity frenzy that it has made such an attempt to muscle in on the publicity the retail event now enjoys. That shows quite how well-established it has become in such a short time. And we don’t imagine their warning will do any damage whatsoever to the success of the promotion.