Gallery Plus fee increase for 5 Motors categories

No primary category set

Some fee changes are coming on Motors, with affect from September 5th. To find out more and read the official notice from here.

The Gallery Plus advanced listing upgrade fee will increase from $2 to $5 in Motors categories for Cars & Trucks, Motorcycles, Boats, Powersports and Other Vehicles & Trailers.

When to use a Listing Enhancement on eBay?

There are a variety of options for listing enhancements on eBay, depending on what you are selling. And whilst they might give you a boost in search it’s worth approaching paid-for extras with a cool head.

Firstly, you can’t buy success to any real extent on eBay so make sure that all the other aspects of your listing are in order before shelling out. That means tip-top optimised titles, item specifics and images that are working as hard as possible.

Secondly, measure and learn to assess whether paid-for extras are giving you the boost you’re paying for. Especially when considering the expense of this option, which could easily add up if you maintain numerous listings, it’s important to be absolutely clear that they do help you clinch better sales. Test listings with and without the added extras.

Don’t forget subtitle fee changes on eBay UK

The above fee increase will be coming to Motors next month but there are also some hikes relevant to merchants in the UK too. Specifically, there’s the Subtitle fee increase that comes into force on September 6th. It’s doubling from £1 to £2.

How many sellers will be impacted by this change? Chris examined the possible affected number in this article not long ago. And that’s why we’re mentioning the subtitle fee increase again here. Lots of sellers use it, plenty won’t yet be aware of the feee increase and that could mean some nasty surprises when eBay invoices arrive after the hike comes into force.


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