eBay have started to display Frequently Bought Together items on eBay Mobile. This cross selling promotional marketing offers related items at the point of purchase giving buyers the option of buying additional products in a single transaction.
We’ve seen Frequently Bought Together marketing on Amazon, but hadn’t previously noticed it on eBay Mobile in the UK until it was spotted by Stuart from Urban33.
One thing that sellers may not like is that the promotions can be from multiple sellers. That’s not a problem from a buyer perspective as with the eBay shopping basket multiple items can be purchased in a single transaction. Some sellers will doubtless complain that eBay aren’t promoting items from a single seller, but it’s worth remembering that, especially on mobile, eBay buyers don’t buy from single sellers. That doesn’t help if there’s a problem with one of three items and the buyer decides to return the whole order as they were bought as a set.
On the mobile app, buyers can’t even see eBay shops let alone browse them. Buyers will search eBay for items and hardly notice which seller they are from and on the plus side, just as eBay frequently bought together items show items from other sellers, sometimes you might be the other seller that gets a sale.
2 Responses
i do love the way ebay is funneling us towards the mobile app, stating that over 50% of transactions are now done on it…. and skillfully matching it with only 50% of the features on ebay desktop being on the mobile! Classic.
I’m not sure if it is on ebay…. to be honest i don’t bother searching through the many pages of poorly linked and designed set ups to see, but on my own website i can add links to several items that are often bought or closely linked to the item that is being viewed…. So if it were a football say, it would have links to some football boots, replica kits etc – if i sold them of course.
A great way to link sale and keep it within my company.
It’s not rocket science to do, but i swear blind you can’t do that on ebay? If you can i haven’t seen it…. just random links, like todays whcih had a computer memory stick, commonly purchased with…. a frying pan!
I bought some novelty glasses and my ‘frequently bought together’ items had a ladies see through dress and a vase.
Artificial intelligence at its best.