There’s just a week to go to the second International Selling webinar in our Autumn series in partnership with WorldFirst. In the first we examined how to recognise when you’re ready for international trading and now in the second webinar we turn our focus to where to trade overseas and which countries represent the hottest opportunities.
You may already trade overseas, any marketplace trader has probably seen orders come in from overseas almost without trying – the very nature of marketplaces and the Internet lower barriers to trade and make it easy to buy and sell cross border. So why would this webinar series be of interest to you? Well, whilst you may have almost accidentally fallen into trading overseas by adding international shipping to your eBay listings, signing up to the eBay global shipping program or putting you stock into Amazon FBA and letting them handle international trade for you, your international growth should be a directed venture and not left to organic growth.
In our first webinar we looked at how to recognise when you’ve grown to a size where you can really exploit your scale to attack the international market. if you missed the first webinar you can rewatch it here.
Now next week on Wednesday the 14th of November at 11am you can join us for a deep dive into the benefits and challenges of entering specific international market and we’ll be highlighting the hottest regions for trade overseas whilst helping online retailers and sellers avoid some of the common pitfalls. We’ll be taking a look at:
- The past, present and future international market heat map
- The markets most suited to certain types of online businesses and the categories they sell in
- How to hurdle country-specific obstacles to trade abroad
Reserve your place
Reserve your place for the first when to expand abroad webinar, which will take place on Wednesday the 24th of October at 11am. If you can’t make the date then still register and as soon as the webinar is over we’ll send you a link to watch at your leisure.
One Response
Many thanks for the webinar, there was some really useful information included.
It was very handy to have the key dates highlighted for some of the major ecommerce countries and the top product categories listed.
I look forward to the final webinar about evaluating the best marketplace opportunities.