Over the course of 2019, we published a number of Tamebay white papers covering a wide range of topics which can help you grow your business. Here we collect them together so if you missed one you can download for the first time or read again.
We’re already planning and working on more Tamebay white papers for 2020 so watch out for them to be published over the course of the year.
Tamebay White Papers from 2019
The Tamebay Ecommerce Papers
The Tamebay Ecommerce Papers traces marketplaces back to the birth of eBay and Amazon in the 1990s all the way through to the modern day, discussing everything from search tips to packaging, fulfilment and delivery.Whether you are a brand-new seller looking for tips on product sourcing, or a more experienced online merchant and looking for marketplace fulfilment information or to be updated on the latest payments and mobile technologies, The Tamebay Ecommerce Papers is the ideal start point.
Split into 13 chapters whilst the subject matter is serious, the Tamebay Ecommerce Papers are a highly engaging read covering: Virtual Assistants; Artificial Intelligence; Marketplace Fulfilment; Marketplaces; Mobile; International Selling; Search; Packaging; Regulation; Payments; Delivery; Warehouse Management; and Product Sourcing.
Using tracking data to streamline the customer experience in ecommerce delivery
Discover how your brand can take control of the post-purchase customer experience – Ecommerce delivery has evolved but for too many retailers, their systems for communicating with customers have not, despite data being more available than ever.
This Whitepaper outlines everything ecommerce merchants need to know about Tracking data and how to turn it to your advantage including: An analysis of the Tracking data available from the different carriers; Survey results from 100+ retailers on how they use tracking data; Best practices on how to communicate tracking to your customers; Practical steps on how to easily aggregate Tracking data to communicate meaningfully with your customers through your own brand.
Selling into Oceania and East Asia
We look at seven major marketplaces in the Oceania and East Asia area as well as reveal the results of a survey of Tamebay readers telling you which have the highest penetration from UK sellers. We also look at some of the challenges of selling to the other side of the world and the key areas where leveraging the experience of a partner will be key.
eBay Listing Optimisation Guide
Whether you are a brand new seller on eBay or have a couple of decades experience under your belt, sooner or later you’ll look at your eBay sales and wonder why they’re flat lining or even falling. Our eBay Listing Optimisation Guide aims to answer these questions. Whether it be a refresher on how to best list to ensure you’re getting the most from mobile and mobile app buyers or appealing to International buyers, the eBay Listing Optimisation Guide covers everything you need to know to revitalise your sales.
Prime Movers: How to compete in the Amazon Prime age
Prime is online marketplace behemoth Amazon’s quasimembers club, designed to give regular Amazon users a range of perks – a bit like a loyalty club. With some 100 million members worldwide, all getting access to TV content, free shipping, special deals and, once a year in July, Prime Day, our Tamebay white paper explores how you can compete against Amazon Prime and attract consumers to your own website and offerings.
Managing Complexity for Growth Companies
The world of ecommerce has opened up opportunities for online merchants to start small and grow quickly. As a result, successful businesses can be born with processes which, at this early stage, are often simple and with little consideration of what the future might bring. As the business grows, these basic systems may no longer be suitable and sellers can end up feeling overwhelmed as they struggle with managing complexity – especially if growth comes at a faster rate than expected. We examine the pain points in three main areas of growth to try and understand the problems that growing retailers face and how to make the most of the opportunities within each phase.
46 New Marketplaces to expand your business
The majority of shoppers like a venue where they can shop around and compare the variety of goods for sale and shop from different merchants and there are many new marketplaces for sellers to consider, so here is our exclusive guide to new marketplaces for you to consider – the marketplaces may not all be ‘new’ as in newly launched, in fact many have been around for a considerable time but they may be new to you. We want to highlight the opportunities around the world and at home which is why you’ll discover some country specific marketplaces and others which operate in a specific niche.