England COVID-19 Lockdown announced for whole of November

An England COVID-19 lockdown has just been announced which will start on Thursday the 5th of November and last a month. Whilst there are a few days left in order for the lockdown to be written into law, best advice would be to start living as if the England COVID-19 lockdown started today.

The local and regional approach to tackling the virus was, according to Boris Johnson, the right approach as no one wants to impose these types of measures anywhere, especially not in areas where the incidences were low. Regional restrictions have kept the reproduction rate lower than it would otherwise have been but the reality is now, as it is across much of Europe, spreading faster than is reasonable acceptable. It is clear that hospitals will run out of capacity within a couple of weeks. The reality is that if the NHS is overrun doctors will be forced to choose who gets treatment and a chance to live and who is simply left untreated to die – we don’t want doctors to have to choose between a COVID-19 patient and someone having a heart attack.

England COVID-19 Lockdown details

From Thursday the 5th of November until December the only reasons for which you should be leaving home are:

  • Work if you can’t work from home.
  • Recreation where you can meet just one person from one another household.
  • Shopping for food and essentials.
  • Providing care

You should not be meeting anyone from other households indoors (although single adults can form support bubbles with one other household and children can move between parents).

Non essential shops and entertainment will all close, as will all pubs, bars and restaurants except for takeaways.

Schools will remain open.

The furlough scheme will continue in some form from the 5th of November through to the start of December with details to follow.

Why a national England COVID-19 Lockdown and how do we get out of it?

Some areas of the country with relatively lower incidences of Coronavirus, such as the South West, will be asking why a national lockdown should be imposed on them. The answer is that it’s all about hospital beds and the South West is actually one of the areas most likely to run out of NHS capacity first. It’s too late to worry about infections, all the government can now hope is to stall the spread and allow those already infected to get a bed and either recover or sadly die before the next wave of patients arrive.

The question many businesses want answered, having spent thousands making their businesses supposedly safe with social distancing measures, is what is the way out of COVID-19 lockdown. However, the England COVID-19 lockdown is something the government have been desperate to avoid and they were still trying to figure out how to get Tier 3 areas back down to Tier 2. Now with the entire country of England going into lockdown the main aim will be to try and enable families to meet for Christmas and even that is a faint hope rather than something that realistically looks achievable.

England COVID-19 Lockdown impact for small online businesses

The realities facing the country from the England COVID-19 Lockdown are harsh and will once again be devastating for high street retail, hospitality, leisure, and a host of other industries. However this presents a real opportunity for small businesses who are still able to operate. Online sales are going to sky-rocket and people will be searching online more than ever before. If you have stock it’s time to get listed on marketplaces, get active on social media, get onto search engines such as Google Shopping and cash in like never before.

Don’t make the mistake of simply taking the orders and cashing the virtual cheques however, make sure that you use this opportunity to build your marketing lists and expand you social following. Whilst the run up to Christmas will (as is almost always the case) be funded on credit by many, it’s likely that January and the early months of 2020 will be a very tough trading period so the more you bank in the run up to Christmas the better prepared you will be for the start of 2021.

12 Responses

  1. I am from the US quarantined in a hotel on Holland Road. I take a run up to Kensington High Street each day and notice that there are mostly young people, and few are wearing masks.
    Megan’s restaurant has some distant seating but it’s warm and closed and a bit crowded.
    I don’t think younger people get it, or their vitality and zest for life is overpowering and they feel limited.
    Also, about half the pedestrians on High Street are not wearing masks.
    I shall try to have a nice lunch in a safe restaurant on Wednesday because everything will close at the end of day.
    La Tarte, the tiny eatery is a bit small and cozy to ward off any lurking virus in the air.
    I will miss their Canoli’s
    I would actually like to go home but your govt. has quarantined me until the 10th November.

  2. If your quarantined till the 10th why are you intending to go out for lunch on Wednesday?

  3. A lock down is an unfortunate use of words, as people are not literally locked down, but if you’re quarantined then you certainly shouldn’t be out and about. There’s a lot of irony to the post, I half wonder if it isn’t a wind up.

  4. People spread Covid 19 not Governments, ergo avoid people. Mobilise the Army to enforce with zero tolerance. It really is that simple, just not politically acceptable.

  5. “England COVID-19 Lockdown announced for whole of November”

    No, lockdown is for 25 days of November.

  6. I think the human race is doomed. Mother Nature will thin us out because too many of us are just too stupid to survive.

  7. Why is the title suggesting that lockdown is for the whole of November? My understanding is that it starts from Thursday.



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