Amazon Business require merchants to send an invoice to business buyers through their Amazon account, you should not send invoices directly to business buyers, but will need to either produce them through Amazon or manually upload them to Amazon. This includes an Amazon Business receipt requirement for merchants who are not registered for VAT.
Amazon say that Business customers have indicated that they prefer to be able to download invoices from their account rather than receiving them as email attachments. This makes sense as emails are easily lost and many companies will want to have all their invoices downloaded by their accounts department – sending them to the registered business owner will often mean that the accounts team simply won’t ever get invoices from Amazon sales.
Non-VAT Amazon Business receipt requirement
It’s important to note that if you are not obliged to register for VAT in the EU and the United Kingdom, you must still provide a receipt for each order from an Amazon Business customer in accordance to Amazon’s invoicing policy. In such cases, we can automatically generate receipts on your behalf summarising the purchase of the items ordered by the customer without VAT details.
To benefit from automatic receipt generation, you should establish if you have any VAT obligations in the EU and UK and declare your VAT registration exemption status to Amazon.
To learn more about producing a non-VAT Amazon Business receipt, Amazon have some FAQs to assist you here.