VAT Services on Amazon €50/country reg service

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Amazon B2B product-specific VAT changes

Many sellers on Amazon will be breathing a sigh of relief that they no longer have to register for VAT in anything up to 7 EU countries and submit VAT returns, often on a monthly basis rather than the quarterly filing obligation we’re used to in the UK. However if you sell to the EU you’ll still have to register for IOSS in at least one country, plus additional countries if you hold stock in EU FBA. To make this easier and less expensive, Amazon are inviting you to join VAT Services on Amazon to benefit from a VAT registration fee starting as low as €50 per European country.

The following is included with your 50 EUR VAT registration fee:

  • VAT registration
  • One UK or EU EORI number
  • Sworn translation service

The free EORI service is provided by your tax service provider. Your tax service provider will also determine the appropriate country in the EU to apply for an EU EORI number.

You are also invited to enjoy an additional six months of filings and tax representation FREE of charge.

VAT Services on Amazon is a VAT compliance solution that allows you to manage your European VAT registration and filing obligations via a third-party tax service provider in up to seven countries (UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Poland and the Czech Republic). It enables you to spend more time expanding your business across Europe by handling VAT compliance more easily and efficiently.

Special Promotion for VAT Services on Amazon

When you join VAT Services on Amazon, Amazon will cover the cost of the first six months of filing and tax representation in all countries you are subscribed in. You can also obtain a UK and an EU EORI number FREE of charge*. After your first six months, you will be charged a monthly fee for VAT services on Amazon at a rate as low as €33.30/month (for one country, without tax representation).

Sign in to your Seller Central Europe account and visit VAT Services on Amazon to take advantage of the offer.

One Response

  1. I used the service when it was free registration and 12 months filing free. I’m part of Amazon FBA. It can be for PL and CZ that the ‘after 12 month’ agent’s fee exceeds monthly profit. It can also be that the bank charges for the different non euro currencies in these countries exceeds the VAT!. Have to do it though to be in the PanEU network.


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