In what has been a one of the most turbulent days in British political history since the fall of Margaret Thatcher in the 1990s, it is rather difficult to discern exactly what the Brexit situation is today. At Tamebay we don’t take sides and only concern ourselves with how a potential deal will make an impact on ecommerce merchants trading from the UK to buyers in the European Union and beyond and specifically Europe, Brexit and ecommerce.
The situation with trade between the European Union and the United Kingdom is a critical issue when we consider Brexit and The deal on the table created by the Theresa May government is, frankly, positive. It will mean that in the months and years to come that the UK can continue to ship goods freely overseas.The May plan also means no duties or tariffs and also no delays when sending goods from the UK. All fears about delays at Dover and the rest of UK ports, or on the British border with Ireland, can be alleviated.
It is also well worth considering what a potential alternative would mean. Delays. That’s normal even with the likes of Switzerland, Norway and Iceland who are all fully accredited members of the European Economic Area. As they say regarding those future arrangements that may still operate under this deal:
There would be a need for some compliance checks with EU standards, consistent with risk, to protect consumers, economic traders and businesses in the single market. The EU and the UK have agreed to carry out these checks in the least intrusive way possible.
– European Union
It does seem rather unlikely, considering the political environment within the British Conservative party, Europe, Brexit and ecommerce, and also Labour in the UK, that this is a deal that isn’t going to succeed. A hard Brexit seems to be heading our way with increasing velocity and that does not strike us as a consummation devoutly to be wished for.
4 Responses
Please forgive me if I’m confused, but should ‘isn’t’ in the penultimate line read ‘is’?
This is just the withdrawal agreement, and is not an actual final deal. I do not see what the issue is. My father a Brexit boomer is happy with it, and as a remainer I will live with it.
It is the extremist nutters like Mogg that are the problem, likes of him will not have their life’s and business turned upside down, just another silver spoon am alright jack, guy is a dinosaur. Am in Scotland and do not fall for Nippys rubbish either she has her own agenda, suddenly were competing with NI.
Am no Tory fan (domestically they are a disaster) but Maybot does have to have the impossible job. I would take the deal and be working on the deals on the side….bit at a time…Corbyn would not do any better either, so he is no answer.
Maybot probably has more support from the public than is known, the extreme remainers and brexiteers “shout a lot”…and the press just love all the chaos as it gives them things to do.
If I was Maybot I would just hold firm, and let the extremists just shout and scream they will run out of air in the end.
Till Labour get rid of the hard left extremists I honestly do not see anything better out there.
Everyone is forgetting the third option: No Brexit.
The referendum was only advisory, and it’s obvious that the damage that _any_ brexit is going to do is not acceptable to the general public (only to those who started this ball rolling in the first place and a guaranteed to profit from it.)