Store now accepts PayPal

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German Apple Store now accepts PayPalIt looks like Apple are now accepting PayPal payments in their German store. This is the first time that Apple afficiandos have been able to use PayPal to purchase their iPhones, iPads, iPods and accessories directly from Apple, although PayPal has been accepted in the iTunes and Mac App stores for some time.

It’s only a basic integration as it appears that to complete payment the users is passed to the PayPal site. Bizarrely Apple also want you to fill out your contact information multiple times before checking out with PayPal, which removes much of the convenience we’ve come to expect with PayPal holding your address and payment information. With Apple there’s no simple just an ’email address and password payment’, it’s a very old fashioned checkout experience.

We’ve no idea if this is a pilot program and whether users around the world will be able to purchase direct from Apple with PayPal. If they do extend the program however it would be nice to have a more streamlined integration so that logging in with PayPal completed the form data on your behalf.

What next? Will Apple start accepting PayPal in their offline stores with PayPal Here? If we spot any news you’ll be first to know.


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