Thank you vzaar for a fantastic party!
Last night TameBay held their first Birthday Party in Manchester, following a great day at eBay University. I didn’t manage to count how many people turned up, but the bar was pretty full and it took about ten minutes to fight my way to the bar for my first drink. The venue was superb, Bar 38 is a fantastic venue for a party and top marks to Sue for finding such a great place close to the eBay University.
As well as loads of eBay buyers and sellers some eBay staff took the time to relax after a busy day. For those that know him MoggieX put in a surprise appearance, great to see him again after so long!
The raffle winners were delighted with their eBay related goodies, none more so than Karen from patterns*2*sew, who won the limited edition gold pin set from eBay Live! in Boston this year. Her son collects pins and she can’t wait to hand them over.
A real surprise was the birthday cake ChannelAdvisor were kind enough to make. Sue and I were both really touched by their kindness.
We’d like to thank everyone who came to the party, everyone who’s supported us and TameBay over the last year, but most especially Emma, Adrian and Dan from vzaar for putting on such a great event to celebrate our first year of blogging.
13 Responses
Thanks much for the party, and for keeping the dialogue running for a full year! Chris, you and Sue provide a great counterpoint to the “just the fact” and “odd whinge” that are otherwise out there. Keep it up!
Chris and Sue – Thanks for a great evening in Manchester and keep up the good work on Tamebay.
wow, that is great… keep up the good work, congrats. Scott
Wow!..I wonder how many people managed to get into bed with Ebay that night?.
Any pics?
We do have some pics and we’ll get them up on TameBay’s flickr as soon as we can for you 🙂
Thanks again for your hospitality!
Will be rearranging the PC room to shoehorn in the printer, and if you know anyone that wants a 2-week-old HP2300 you know where to ask! 😉
thanks for the greast night i think i have some pictures so i will email the over to you !!
Thanks Liz, can’t wait to see the pics 😀
Chris, Sorry I had to go early, I missed you pole dancing I believe!
Thanks to you both for a great party 😉
It was a great event: a splendid time was had by all.
Here’s to many more years of Tamebay!
Had a really great time – great to meet some new faces! Mark
We did the easy bits. All the real thanks are totally to Tamebay for being such great bloggers, community members, and friends. Glad we could help out and make it the first year bash you are proud of.
We have plenty of pics and some good video footage. Emma cried out in anguish today as her laptop crashed and she lost hours of edits. Look out for some great videos soon.