In good company

If you’re still wondering what to buy the person who has everything, you could do a lot worse than . Buck and Follocks (GB) Ltd, and its wholly owned subsidiary, Buck and Follocks plc, is up for sale: everything, all shares, directorships and possibly the world’s nicest share certificates must go.

B&F is the product of one of those conversations you have, the ones where a good idea turns up, and never quite goes away:
“Wouldn’t it be great to be a director of – or own – a company called Buck & Follocks Limited?”
“Yes. I think I’ll register that.”

Sadly, the good people at Companies’ House didn’t initially agree: apparently there’s a prohibition against registering companies by a name which, in the opinion of the Secretary of State, is offensive. Who knew? Undeterred, “Messers Buck and Follocks” formed two seperate companies: Buck Ltd and Follocks Ltd. Which then merged, and *that* was apparently alright.

The seller now says: “The company has never traded, has never made a sale, and although a viable and quite novel company, has just not had the required time put into it to get it making money. I have two other businesses to run (which I hope to soon be three) and wish to sell it to someone who can make a go of it and get best use out of its excellent and hilarious name.”

We wish them many bidders, and hope we find out what becomes of this superb business opportunity.

2 Responses

  1. Just had a look on their hilarious website, and I was tempted to buy 1000 shares for £30 – if only I’d seen it sooner, it would have made a marvelous Christmas gift!



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