How often have we heard that excuse from a reluctant buyer and how often do we disbelieve the excuse? I know I’ve often taken it with a pinch of salt, but it can and does happen.
Well today I was talking to a friend who told me about her shoe buying experience on eBay. Whilst searching for a pair of shoes she stepped away from her computer to make a cup of tea. Literally just minutes later she returned to discover her seven year old daughter clicking away on eBay. Not only had she been happily buying shoes (no fewer than fifteen Buy It Now listings) but they were all the wrong size for her long suffering mother!
Well a lot of explanatory emails to a whole bunch of sellers with promises of paying listing fees and mutually withdrawing from the transactions later it’s a lesson learnt, if you step away from your computer LOG OUT of eBay.
I can just imagine the poor sellers, at the busiest time of the year, groaning as they read the apologetic emails. That’s one seven year old daughter in a whole heap of trouble!
2 Responses
I had a buyer recently who did the ghost thing: bought, but then no payment, no contact, nothing. When I opened the UID I got a apologetic email from two parents, explaining that their 14 year old daughter had BINned and not told them. The next day, I got an envelope full of unused stamps and a VERY apologetic note from a girl who had obviously been in big trouble. It was nice to see a parent make their child pay up for once 🙂
You don’t need to log out of eBay. Just set your computer to have a screensaver that kicks on very quickly and requires a password to reactivate the screen. It’s not difficult to set up on Windows.