Meet the new feedback hub…

No primary category set

… same as the old feedback hub.

When eBay promised to implement “a dedicated hub for sellers to report malicious or unfair feedback from buyers”, I think many of us imagined something rather magnificent, a magical interface which would, by the power of eBay, protect us from buyers who want something for nothing or they’ll neg us out of business. We certainly imagined – or at least I did – that it wouldn’t be the same old report form going to the same old support people, with – presumably – the same rather patchy results.

But it is.

Pinkie that the “ we spotted the other day is *it*, the long-awaited hub.

All snark aside, right now eBay need to be working to restore seller confidence in them. I’ve been shocked more than I can say over the last week or three, at the depth of calm anger that serious business people have expressed at eBay. The people threatening to leave now are not those who just sell the odd item they pick up in a car boot sale; these are people with employees and warehouses and serious businesses, and they cannot, they say, risk trading on eBay any more.

Promising something “dedicated”, and then that turning out to mean “email custard support as normal”, is not the way to counteract that. I can only hope that James has been misinformed and that something more robust and responsive is on its way soon.

Thanks to Denny for the heads-up.

9 Responses

  1. “The people threatening to leave now are not those who just sell the odd item they pick up in a car boot sale; these are people with employees and warehouses and serious businesses, and they cannot, they say, risk trading on eBay any more.”

    You hit the nail on the head with that comment Sue.

  2. I wish ebay would realise this isn’t just one massive hissy fit, the new changes are a very real threat to many mortgages and livlihoods all over the country.
    What is it going to take for them to sit up and notice the massive discontent and migration?

  3. And that my friends is proof if ever it were needed at the depths of the contempt that ebay hold you in.

  4. If that’s it – automated ‘cut ‘n’ paste & lightweight Q&A – how come it was 4 weeks late being implemented? Presumably going to be crewed by the same folks in PS Support who didn’t know what was going on with the feedback changes.

    This should inspire sellers to more actively pursue other channels. Every cloud…


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