DSRs displaying incorrectly – known glitch

If you’ve seen your DSRs drop drastically tonight and your seller dashboard has got all sorts of ugly new red stripes, don’t panic: it’s a glitch. eBay are “working on this issue with the utmost urgency, and expect to have it corrected soon”.

21 Responses

  1. This cock-up was on the cards from the day the DSR scheme was anounced. Not a case of “if” but most definately “when”.
    It remains to be seen whether a fix will be found soon, if ever. Then we sit tight and wait for it to happen again.
    Everyone who doubted it’s validity has been proved right and ebay have egg on their face.

  2. In the 4+ months since we launched our DBR system there has not been a single DBR glitch or manipulation. We take care of our buyers. (Not that a DBR glitch could possibly cause a buyer financial harm on our site anyway).

  3. I don’t think buyers actually look at DSRs but the problem is that search ranking and eBay discounts depend on them. An “unknown” glitch could easily take down a powerseller or cost them thousands of dollars in FVFs. The way the system is currently set up there would be no good way of knowing if your score is legitimate. That’s the problem.

  4. As someone who is affected by the ‘glitch’ the issue is less that of the 30day days being calculated incorectly and more that of our fees (potentially) being overstated and search placement (certainly) being undermined (both being based on the 30 day DSR snapshot which is taken around now).

  5. Just had a reply from PSS, (emailed them yesterday evening), not a lot to report, but at least they replied and confirmed that they are working to fix it. Got a reply in less than 24 hours, so not bad.

    I think the important thing is it looks like it only effects the ‘displayed’ DSR in the sellers dashboard NOT the calculations used to determine search placement or discounts.


  6. #7 Thats good to know sean, mine have dropped through the floor overnight and I havent even had any feedback left.

  7. Dear Sue, its not fixed. It got worse. I posted screen shots on the technical board. HUGS

  8. Some people on the feedback boards are complaining of getting “lowered” status as a result. It could just be a case of mass hysteria but I don’t necessarily trust eBay when they claim no harm is being done. PayPal once held money that was rightly mine for about 9 months while claiming that they fixed their glitch and had returned all money that was due to me. One day they finally did fix the error and returned my money but the harm was already done.

  9. Whatever the cause, it certainly (Saturday afternoon) still isnt fixed. My 30 day DSRs are bouncing all over the place . I’ve had scores greater than 5 at one time and currently a drop of 0.5 on one at the moment.

    Perhaps we are waiting for their system to re-calculate from scratch ?


  10. Yes mine is lowered. It was raised before and then it went to lowered. THen they fix it and they spayed me by making me lowered. Sue I am going to email you my screen shots and my video so you can see how terrible it is. I’ve been video capturing my dashboard for 2 months on a daily basis in case something bad went down. I got 20% powerseller calculated for the month. There is no way I could of went from a 4.9 (the requirement for 20%) down to 4.4. Someone over there in ebay needs to be drug tested

  11. Well our DSRs have increased over the last few hours but not up to the point they where before the glitch, but it is better than nothing. The thing that worries me is before the glitch sales had become almost Christmas level, since the glitch we have dropped by two thirds, coincidence?

  12. My DSRs have been all over the place (on ebay.co.uk) during the last week and i’m not sure what to believe. Today they have dropped substantially so I have reason to believe that the problem most definitely hasn’t been resolved.

    Item as described was 4.92 on Wednesday and today has dropped 4.72?!?
    Communication and Dispatch Time also seem to be incorrect. Post andpacking charegs look ok though. I’m really concerned. Has anyone else noticed that it only affects the top 3 and not the P&P?

  13. the whole thing seems over complicated
    it should be one thing or the other
    these dsrs dont really give a true reflection of the sellers trading standard
    I know of sellers who are being investigated by the police for fraud who have 4.8s and 9s

  14. My dashboard has completely dissapeared from SMP, I used to have it top right of main SMP page , its gone!?!

    It also used to show as a link under “My account” but not anymore ?

    I really don’t like whats going on at the moment.

  15. hooray!
    lets hope its gone forever
    item specfics might be next
    and then we really could get down to selling
    rather than clicking around the listing page like a demented grasshopper

  16. Mine has gone too, I really like to discounts but don’t like the fact that buyers have so much power to affect my profits yet have not been trained to use the DSRs correctly.


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