Google Chrome appears to be taking market share from Firefox and Safari, although that’s not entirely surprising. IE is holding its own but it’s Firefox which is the tech browser of choice and users of Chrome are likely to be more browser aware than users of IE who more than likely just use what was pre-installed on their PC. The big question is will users carry on using Chrome or go back to their previous browser?
It’s not just the use of Chrome that’s capturing attention though. The electronic comic book that publicised the launch of Chrome was printed in limited quantities and one found it’s way onto eBay. Duncan Reilly of the Inquisitr auctioned off his Google Chrome comic book on eBay raising over £200 (AU $454.99) for Charity.
Thanks to Adrian Sevitz @ vzaar for the heads up on this story.
8 Responses
I have been using Chrome since launch and I am completely hooked on it. Hate explorer and I have always used FF until now.
Alas, some applications that I use every day force me to use the other browsers but Chrome is Gold for me 😉
How corny was that!
Nick, I had to uninstall it, it broke my Dreamweaver… 🙁
and I thought I could get to really like it.
That’s strange. It did not break my Dreamweaver but I notice that when I start Dreamweaver my computer says it is an unidentified program. I think this is a Vista problem though.
I’m using XP on this computer.
I had to rewind the registry to the previous day to get it to open at all 🙁
I loaded Chrome in as a third test browser, it checked the pages I had fine. I then shut DW and it wouldn’t open again…. grrrr.
I suppose I could try again, but not load it in, just check the pages after they have been uploaded. But it makes a person nervous…
I think that Dreamweaver is just a bit buggy. Have you tried loading it on another computer?
Not yet,… other computer is husband’s who thinks what he has got is fine, what does he need another browser for???
crazy, it’s a sign of the times i guess
Seems there’s another copy available on eBay. Seems expensive for a little bit of paper though