Featured Plus listing enhancement changes

No primary category set

A few days ago sellers started noticing that listings with Featured Plus were only appearing in the featured section of search results and were no longer duplicated lower down the page in their natural search results position.

It’s now been confirmed that the Featured Plus listings will be only displayed at the top of the page they naturally fall on in the search results. The eBay Featured Plus help page has been updated to reflect this change.

The change was considered an improvement to the buyer experience as it means that a featured listing is not seen twice in the same search results pages, but still benefits from a higher position.

Featured Plus is still a worthwhile enhancement, even with what’s now slightly less benefit than previously. It has a huge advantage as soon as your listing hits page 1 of search results as it gives a guaranteed position in the featured section – Featured First listings have to compete for a spot in rotation as well as costing significantly more.



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