eBay.com has announced that it’s extending the promotional 5c insertion fee for sellers in media categories until the end of March 2010. The special offer is valid for fixed price listings in the Books, Music, Movies & DVDs and Video Games categories, provided that pre-filled item information or product details are used. aff_link("https://announcements.ebay.com/2009/12/list-for-5%C2%A2-in-books-music-movies-dvds-and-video-games%E2%80%94offer-extended-through-march-30-2010/","More details on the Announcements Board.","5cmedia","US"); ?> There are as ever some exclusions, so do check before you list.
This offer has been running since September 2008, so honestly we think it’s about time eBay made it a permanent price change instead of teasing sellers with the threat of taking it away every few months.