DOTD Watch : We’re giving it away

Some of the current Daily Deals were being offered at 100% off although I’m sure it’s a mistake that eBay won’t be repeating in a hurry. I’m just annoyed I didn’t get there in time to grab a bargain but in truth it looks like the items were correctly listed and priced and it’s simply the Deals display that’s incorrect.

If you did want to purchase either a for £49.99 or a for £6.99 they’re still available to purchase.

And of course it’s worth adding the to your favourites just in case eBay mess up again and items really are available to buy at 100% off.

Updated to add: eBay corrected all the prices by just after 10am this morning – spoil sports 🙂

3 Responses

  1. I see there is a Deal of the week “Diego Maradona Signed Argentina 1986 Shirt”. This is actually not an 86 shirt but a replica/reproduction. A key point if you are into that kind of thing.

  2. So is eBay going to be refunding the difference this time like they did last time this happened?

    Last month there was a $1.00 daily deal every day for a week on the US site. I wrote a program to alert me and send me to the deal immediately when it appeared. Unfortunately all I got out of it was a DVD for National Lampoon’s vacation. I would have won a webcam practically for free the next day if PayPal didn’t throw up an error saying I hit a speedbump.


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