Today is the start of three days of cheap listing for auctions on and For the 5th – 6th April auctions on and, regardless of start price, will have insertion fees of 25c or less.
This promotion is aimed at higher priced items as items with a start price of less than $10 would already be paying 25c or 10c. The promotion is available to all sellers – both those with or without a stores subscription. Sellers who do not have an eBay Store are still eligible for 100 free Auction-style insertion fees for listings with a start price of $0.99 or less.
This is an interesting one as many recent promotions have excluded professional sellers in the UK and those with store subscriptions in the US. Auctions are far from dead on eBay, although they’re used less and less by professional sellers in favour of fixed price listings. However auctions still get guaranteed exposure in search results and are unaffected by Best Match.
If you list on and haven’t used auction format for a while it’s a good opportunity to list at realistic start prices and experiment with what the increased visibility does to your conversion rates.