Daily Deal offered in error for just £1

Zavvi must have had a bit of a heart attack this morning when they realised that they had a Deal of the Day for some Pioneer Headphones that they meant to sell at £12.99 (a 74% discount from the RRP of £49.99) with a price displayed of just a pound.

TameBay reader John spotted that they had displayed in their listing template . This has now been fixed and corrected to £12.99 but one wonders how many buyers saw the £1 price and will complain and ask for an £11.99 discount off the price they paid.

At the very least the Daily Deal team should be checking for school boy errors like this. Thankfully they’re pretty rare in the grand scheme of things, but when you’re promoting an item to the entire eBay community it makes sense to get the basic details like the price correct.

4 Responses

  1. Interesting – what is the legal status of something like this? As I understand it, wouldn’t Zavvi be forced to sell it at 1 GBP as per the image, irrespective of whether it was marked down in error?

  2. “wouldn’t Zavvi be forced to sell it”

    Depends on the T&C. If they’re clear that placing an order (and any payments given) is an offer to buy pending acceptance, then there’s no contract to fulfil until acceptance is given.



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