It’s miserable weather. It’s a bank holiday weekend. There are going to be loads of people on a three day weekend with nothing to do. So where’s our free listing weekend?
eBay have been holding listing promotions in the UK roughly once every two weeks for most of this year, but now with a bank holiday and plenty of time to list there’s nothing. You can pretty much guarantee that whenever we have a bank holiday the weather in Britain will be miserable, and with April having been the wettest on record for 100 years you can bet that the sun won’t perk up over the next few days and give us some blazing sunshine.
Come on eBay, times are tough, give us a listing promotion when you know we’ll be sat at home with nothing better to do!
6 Responses
I’d really rather see the free listings from last weekend clear the system before another one is held to be honest – every two weeks is bad enough, but not weekly please.
We will see how popular their free listing weekends are when the weathers warm and sunny.
Their wonna be many people listing items one at a time for hours on end when its top up the tan and barby time.
If folks arnt allowed to use listing software then it will hurt ebay in the pocket.
I like the point about the Bank Holiday but is it a Bank Holiday(or whatever they call them in the States)in the States? Perhaps the lack of Free Listing Weekends on the weekends when the majority of people can be expected to be around(Bank Holiday Weekend when the peverse sense of humour of the Weather Gods can be expected to give us a wet and windy weekend) confirms that ebay UK is actually working on a USA calendar rather than a UK Calendar.
Nope, no holiday here in the US this weekend. I’m not sure what a Bank Holiday is, but we have Federal holidays that most businesses other than retail honor. Retailers don’t honor most holidays any more, but banks certainly do (they use any excuse not to open), as does the postal service. The only holiday we have in May is Memorial Day, which is on the 28th this year.
Free listing events in the US have generally been on weekdays, with Tuesday being particularly favoured (or in their case “favored”)
I would imagine that UK free listing dates are decided by local staff, and the reason there isn’t one is purely down to the fact that there was one last week (though that hasn’t always stopped them in the past)
I ended up binning turbolister as i hadnt used it in years and as its not allowed during free listing i didnt see the point in keeping it. I did take a look at what was listed on it as i had forgotten and nearly everything on it had been sold ages ago on Amazon.