A day after announcing 50,000 free listings for business sellers, there’s yet another free listing weekend for private sellers. On Saturday 20thand Sunday 21st October private sellers can list up to 100 free auction style listings with a start price of £1.00 or more for free.
As normal no professional listing tools can be used, just the sell your item forms or eBay mobile apps.
It’s going to be a busy time for new listings on eBay, private sellers will be filling up the site with auctions (and no doubt a few business sellers illicitly using their private account for business sales), and business sellers will be working away to launch 30 day and good ’til cancelled fixed price listings.
Full details of the aff_link("https://pages.ebay.co.uk/promos/business/0IF_221012/index.html","business seller promotion","","UK"); ?> and aff_link("https://pages.ebay.co.uk/promos/0IF_121020/index.html","private seller free listing days","","UK"); ?> are on eBay.
3 Responses
The word overkill springs to mind. Will the extra listings create more choice for buyer?
Let’s not forget that whilst they are busy spending 20 or so minutes cleaning, photographing, editing the photo, and listing their items on ebay. They are NOT buying anything!
The cynic in me just tells me that this great influx is designed to enable eBay to test that their latest version of ‘Best Match’ does in fact surface those listings that they want it to surface!