New eBay Feed marketing email prompts a bid

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I received an interesting email today. “You have 166 new items in your eBay Feed.” I clicked and explored what eBay had for me and I wasn’t disappointed. In fact I was so interested, I placed a bid.

If you haven’t tinkered around with The Feed yet, do. It’s coming to the UK in 2013 (why not sooner?) and is rather good. Now, it seems eBay are sending out marketing emails based on my Feed preferences. What a good idea.

I have been highly critical in the past about eBay’s cack-handed email marketing not least because it has been more aligned to its own corporate interests (pushing fashion) than mine (not in the least bit interested in fashion).

So this new email, although primitive and maybe not ground-breaking is refreshing. And the proof of the pudding is in the eating. I actually clicked on an item and placed a bid. On an auction. More ideas like this please eBay. I can’t wait to see whether I win the auction tomorrow!

5 Responses

  1. It’s coming to the UK in 2013′

    I am in the UK and have never listed on .com. I did however visit .com to view my ‘profile’ when Tamebay gave the heads up (thank you!).

    I had 2 such emails today.

    What is the frequency proposed by eBay or have I somehow, somewhere clicked on a ‘send lots of emails’ link?

    It would simply be spam if it were to be too often.

  2. JD,

    Fair Q. Fair points. I have no idea. But do agree, too many emails would be a bad idea. It’s still in beta, I suspect they are still working that out.



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