Amazon top Christmas 2012 satisfaction survey

Amazon have come out top in the Christmas Satisfaction survey from ForeSee, which asked consumer to rate online retailers. Second was somewhat surprisingly, with John Lewis coming in at third place.

The survey points out that whilst online sales have risen dramatically over the past five years, customer’s satisfaction with the service provided hasn’t changed much at all. Some online retailers are getting the customer experience right while others fall behind, with Ryan Air and Netflix right down at the bottom.

Satisfaction with online purchases is now more important than ever, with only Amazon ( and .com), John Lewis, and rating above a satisfaction score of 78. ForeSee say that any retailer falling below that rating is in danger of losing business to competitors scoring 78 or higher. That means that the biggest get bigger whilst those lower down the satisfaction pecking order will start to lose market share if the predictions are correct.

What’s really interesting though, is that all the palaver about corporation tax has done absolutely nothing to dent Amazon’s popularity. The rankings were scored on merchandise, functionality, content and price and Amazon appeals to consumers regardless of the tax issues.

We’ve said before on Tamebay that Amazon are setting the bench mark for the online shopping experience and ignore it at your peril. Whilst consumers might put up with five day deliveries (and I almost always opt for Amazon SuperSaver), failing to offer first class customer service and the option to have expedited shipping is a mistake, at least according to the report from ForeSee.

(No mention of eBay in the satisfaction survey, this would be because eBay is a marketplace and not a retailer)

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