Do you ever take the time to bother reading your feedback? I have to admit so long as mine is positive I rarely bother to dig much deeper.
However one seller who does check their feedback got a bit of a shock today. Things got even more interesting when he checked out the feedback comments left for other sellers by the same buyer. We’ve posted a selection of the more polite comments to the right.
The big question is of course, is it just a bit of fun or should eBay take action on the buyer? So far the account still appears to be live with all the feedback remaining in place.
You may think it a little light hearted fun, but others might be very offended to receive one of these feedback comments on their ratings. More importantly it’s possible that your potential customers are viewing your feedback to see how others ranked your products and service.
It does remind me of a feedback comment for haemorrhoid cream I saw many years ago by another buyer who was a bit of a joker. He left a neutral with the comment “How can haemorrhoids be positive?” At least the current joker left all positive feedback!
10 Responses
It might not be the same buyer but I had a similar experience a few years ago. Someone bought an item off me, due to an odd message he sent me I started checking the feedback he had left for other sellers. This included references to fornication with various household appliances. Thankfully he didn’t bother to leave feedback for me!
I had a comment once from a seller which was a little zany, although perhaps not quite as risque (or potentially offensive) as this guy’s stuff.
I see the problem for a seller receiving such feedback; however as a buyer I would be amused and pleased that someone is being funny.
The idea of leaving feedback for buyers is ludicrous anyway – either they pay or they don’t get the item, and we can’t leave them negs for being prats – so to my mind he’s simply mocking the system and jolly good luck to him.
Wh shouldn’t all be serious all the time. A flippant approach to life does wonders for one’s longevity.
I still don’t know why eBay bother with feedback comments. If DSRs are so good at identifying problem areas of a transaction why not just change to a green dot and no comment.
Most sellers automate feedback with a boiler plate comment. Shame it’s not the same for buyers too.
This could become a meme….
I’ve had someone compose (short) poetry in tribute to a toilet seat we sold him, a buyer that feedbacks ENTIRELY in quotes from alan partridge, and some who make zero sense at all. as long as its positive i’m all for it.
i do read my feedback, and when someone has taken the time to be unique and funny i appreciate it.
being offended does not make you right, and why should you be offended by something as bland as eBay feedback?
if you’re one of they people who enjoy being offended then there are far more offensive things for you to complain about, leave the man to his strange feedback, as long as its positive and makes him happy.
compare this to the reviews on amazon, which are now turning into a game on many items rather than any indication of how good the products are, and this man comes out looking relatively normal.
I’m all for the odd jokey feedback now and then, but there’s jokey, and there’s offensive. The above falls into the latter category for a lot of people.
I’d be interested in seeing what items they were left for, because it also falls into relevance. eBay are clearly not going to allow animal porn on the site, or a lot of what this buyer seems to be fascinated about.
The whole feedback system is made worthwhile by the slightly off the wall comments (maybe not so crude as the examples above though!).
The most unusual feedback I ever received:
“I’d back them in a knife fight any day!”
There is no place for comments like that in business.
Very immature and childish,a joke is good,humour is good,THAT’S FILTH!!!!