Kabbage are hosting a Tweetchat today, Thursday. We’re not entirely sure what that means but we’re assured that UK folk are welcome and those Kabbage folk are energetic and keen so it’s doubtless worth popping by.
Here’s what they say:
Looking to spread the good word about your small business? Join us for our 1st-ever TweetChat — and drive traffic to your business!
What. Topic: How to get your small business noticed
When. Thursday, August 15, at 3-4pm EST — noon-1pm Pacific.*
Where. https://tweetchat.com/room/KabbageSMBs or on Twitter, #KabbageSMBs
Who. Small business owners and influencers.
Why. Fun times.
* Our estimate of the time for Britishers in the UK is 20:00 to 21:00hrs BST.
One Response
Nice to see this happening in eCommerce field. I used to follow #commschat for quite long time and it was quite good to get new ideas. I hope this will be the same for this. Good luck guys !