If you’ve ever wanted to know how much a vote is worth then now we know: £1.04.
Well, that’s the price that one Scottish seller in Glasgow got to before eBay pulled their sale of their Independence Referendum vote. The Scottish people will vote in the indyref on 18th September.
The seller said in the description “This is my very own unique piece of British History! It is my personal YES or NO vote for the upcoming Scottish Referendum in September. I for one, do not give a flying monkeys about any of this. This could be the deciding vote. Who knows?”
Well, needless to say you’re not allowed to sell your vote on eBay (or indeed at all I imagine). But it’s interesting to note that eBay has hooked up with the Electoral Commission on this one. Which was news to me.
eBay says: “In addition to our own investigations, eBay uses reports from users and advice from third party experts to keep eBay safe and to ensure that items of concern are not listed for sale. The Electoral Commission has an agreement in place where we remove upon request any items posted on eBay that relate to an individual’s vote where the Commission has concerns that this could lead to the law being broken.”
3 Responses
Ha, it was only worth £1.04?
I still want to know when the English referendum is taking place to see if we southerners want to leave the UK as well 😉