eBay website crashes down on Sunday #ebaydown

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eBay’s website has crashed again. Late this Sunday morning our in box started to fill with emails from people unable to log into eBay.co.uk, and here at Tamebay Towers we’re unable even to view the site.

We’ve little information other than the problems appear to have started around 11am and at the time of writing at 2pm the site is totally down.

eBay Downdetector

This is the third major outage in little more than a month. eBay crashed in spectacular style on the 12th of August and then again on their 19th Birthday on the 3rd of September. Now just 11 days later the site has fallen over again.

Whilst it’s almost inevitable that all website will have issues occasionally, for a site with the size and reputation of eBay it’s simply unacceptable. Sellers will start to wonder if they can rely on the site in the run up to the peak Christmas selling season and if buyers find that they can’t buy on a Sunday afternoon they’ll be off spending their money elsewhere and may not be quick to return.

We’ll update as soon as we have more news, but in the mean time please let us know if you’re able to access eBay either as a buyer, a seller, if you can view the site at all or if you’re able to log in and make purchases or view your My eBay.

Edited to add: It’s coming up to 5pm and it appears that eBay is coming back online after an outage of around six or so hours.
eBay Downdetector 2

90 Responses

  1. Can’t login to eBay UK, have an auction for a sought-after infant product ending very soon with loads of watchers and one bid so will sell at a very low price. This was definitely going to have a last-minute bid frenzy on it and I’m going to lose a lot of ££ on it which we can ill afford with a newborn (the £ was going to buy the same product but in a larger size). Beyond upset about this and have no idea what to do.

  2. As a business seller on ebay this is beyond a joke now. We are moving all our items over to Amazon. Less hassle, no defects and a stable platform. eBay have too many problems and hassles.

  3. I can log onto the site but it say”Connection reset” if I try to log on to My Ebay. Also wont let me load directly from shortcut on start page.

    I can lig on using my Nokia phone

  4. Erika –

    Cancel the sale after the fact. It is not your fault. Apologize to the winner but explain that due to eBay being down the auction was not public in it’s final hours and therefore the results are invalid. There is nothing – nothing – eBay can do to force you to complete this sale. Worst that can happen is you negative feedback, which you can respond to AND you can work with eBay to remove, considering this is on them.

  5. I can log onto the site but it say”Connection reset” if I try to log on to My Ebay. Also wont let me load directly from shortcut on start page.

    I can log on using my Nokia phone

  6. Couldnt get in from around 10.45am.Managed to log in at 13.30pm and navigate the site for 5 minutes but then was kicked off again.Tried backdoor Singapore and .com but all down.
    With the new defects as well we have decided to go full force on our website.Its getting upgraded now and wel be the cheapest on the market in our niche once live.We will use the fees we save to drive traffic.Ebays fees are far too high now for a sub-standard service.

  7. And google are thinking of partnering up with this bunch of jokers! Seriously they should rename it DownBay! Thank heavens I no longer have a business account with them, I’d be seriously annoyed if I did! Worst thing is is that it affects auction sellers so badly, no access no last minute bids on those goodies. Expect the regular radio silence and scant apology from fleabay.

  8. Can’t login to .co.uk site, can’t acces my ebay cn’t do anything. .com site does not even load in, and it logged me out from mobile android app as well. Again many items ending in the next few hours. Just managed to pay our ebay fees, todays selling would have been our house rent. If they don’t fix immediately we will just get into more debts. It is ridiculous, and more serious now, they should realize the fact that many many people have been earning a full time or part time wages from ebay selling, if these thing happens more often….. I dont even want to imagine that. :(((

  9. Looks like thats 9267 unhappy users will ebay get defects for each one? doubt it eBay you are the real defective ones what a joke

  10. This is getting seriously bad now. There is no excuse for the way eBay have dealt with these outages. It’s now 2.30pm & most sites have been down now since 11am Thats over 4 hours! Nobody can buy or sell anything. There is definitely something they are not willing to make public.

    Half of Europe is down & USA. Only Canada & Spain are still up but I am unable to log in on .ca or .es


    This is a very serious joke!

    Chris…Why is my post showing the wrong time? It’s 2.45pm

  11. It’s a sad state of affairs. eBay seem detemined to drive buyers and sellers away, introducting complicated features which are not necessary, constantly tinkering with the live site and having infrastructure that seems unable to cope. We aren’t surprised when this happens at all on eBay. Buyers and sellers seem to come way behind shareholders. Would this happen on Amazon?

  12. I did manage to log in once this afternoon but it kept redirecting me to .com although I was definitely signed into the UK site. I’ve also heard people have been redirected to Russian ebay after managing to log in.
    An absolute joke – like many others the weekend is my main listing time so it’ll be another bad week for me.
    It’s made me extremely reluctant to use auction listings in the future – I had an original 1930s dress that ended in the middle of the last fiasco for less than a third of it’s true value.

  13. Some sellers with the new style shops hae had no shops showing since last Friday too.
    EBay seem to be lurching from one crisis to another at the moment

  14. Can view lisings in selling manager pro but thts all. connection re-set if any othet function is attempted. This is poor busiest day of the week lost £2k sales last time.

  15. I have managed to log into ebay.com (US site) so I can at least see sales up until everything went down. I sometimes use Sunday to pack my parcels so I can do something, other than that what looked like it was going to be a good weekend of sales (much needed as sales are a min of 50% down anyway) now doesn’t look so good. 🙁

  16. Same here! Selling from ebay philippines. Cant log in to my account . Tried to log in using ebay.com but still can’t. keeps kicking me out when i try to use my mobile app too!

  17. I’m in Australia and it won’t let me in keeps saying a connection is lost with a server all I want to do is pay for my purchase!

  18. Do it as quick as you possibly can – Was a ebay seller for five years – Had 10000 feedback with over 15000 sales. A buyer reported me for selling fake goods (which they werent they were only doing it to get a refund) And they instantly banned me without a parole or giving me a way to explain the situation – Nearly ruined my entire business and all I was given was a computer generated email – Leave them as fast as you can.

  19. E-bay down again is anyone surprised? To my mind this confirms that ALL auction sellers should leave e-bay asap – after all they are not a proper auction they bring the hammer down at an arbitrary time when people may not have finished bidding. A REAL AUCTION waits until no further bids are entered. In addition it is my view that E-bay condones fraud by returning sellers money to a buyer when the buyer simply says he didn’t receive an item. E-bay doesn’t check whether or not the item was received they simply take the sellers money. Increasingly buyers are aware of this and use it to commit fraud with impunity. FAIRNESS and JUSTICE doesn’t enter into it.

  20. They are updating the site to make it compliant with the Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013

  21. Ebay is a joke I spent over 300 pound on the site and my items for sale are finishing cant do nothing ebay forced me to change my password 4 times after that I gave up cos nothing worked a big company and they cant be arsed to fix there are problems or say sorry they should call themselfs dontcarebay time now 14:57 still down

  22. Some weird stuff going on. I did manage to log in about an hour ago and got the site to generate a sales csv. I didn’t close the page and can still move around the site, just can’t do anything as the pages time out.

    Tried visiting http://www.ebay.co.uk on a different machine and instead of getting the main page I got a login to eBay screen as the main page.

    As a side issue (only noticed this yesterday), it appears eBay have now included ‘Spain’, ‘Italy’ and ‘Greece’ as check box options in the countries you deliver too (Europe), they are unchecked, so even though you may have checked the box for Europe, it may well be that your items are not being seen in these countries now? I didn’t see this mentioned anywhere, we have now updated all our listings to ensure these boxed are now checked.


  23. I am having my 3rd shot because of the anger and stress the ebay has been causing for us like all of us who sells on ebay. We managed to go through on our items on my wifes iphone and we have many many items with over 5 10 15 20 watchers with no bids, we all know.the many buyers bid in the last second so all items will end with no sale. Just took out a ctedit card to pay my ebay fees and I will have no sales at all today if it stays like this. It is more tha serious and uneccaptable, I do agree with tamebay.

  24. I have over 100 auction listings ending today, many with small bids,
    Either I loose a lot of money or risk dozens of defects by cancelling transactions.
    Cant win, NOT Impressed.


  25. Ebay is a disgrace today. I have several items ending today and, if this situation does not improve soon, I will have no option but to declare all of my auctions void. The situation is unfair to both sellers and buyers. I’m no computer wizard but my first thought was “it’s been attacked” – and I think I’m correct.

    Too big to fail? On the contrary if they keep on like this…

    Utterly, utterly unacceptable. Shame on you ebay!

  26. I managed to get to My eBay first thing, but nothing since then.

    Have to agree with the above comment about not being a true auction, adding 5 minutes to the end time of a bid is received would earn extra revenue for the seller, and of course eBay (when the da$m thing works)

  27. I am getting sales notifications through so mobile app must still be working, but if I cant log on with my PC I can not print off sales and therefore cant dispatch goods!

    Really hope that this is sorted soon!

  28. I managed to log in from my iPhone on both the app and the regular site. But pc or mac does not log in. Also app is very slow on iPhone. Site is ok on iPhone

  29. USA ebay.com is also down at 11:00am Eastern time.
    I still have a session open from last night, and I can move around in my eBay messages and even bring up another ebay message window / tab, but if I try to do anything else, I get the connection reset message.

  30. this is getting to be a bit of a money losing pain and businesses are not going to like it, especially small ones or the individual….are there any trustworthy quality and value for money alternatives to ebay? Perhaps getting too big now and we need some worthwhile competition….

  31. Once again EBay fails the masses !!! Time to transfer selling over to the FREE selling sites on FACEBOOK I think !!!!!!

  32. one of the busiest shopping days in a week. this is above and beyond a total joke now. how many times has amazon crashed in the last month? zero. the last year? zero.

    1 sale today. 33 all of last sunday.

    thanks for nothing

  33. Finally found information about my ebay problem along with everyone else right here on tamebay. Couldn’t get jack on ebay community site or any mention at all from ebay, crazy! This site definetely a keeper in my favorites. Ed

  34. Ebay’s policy of avoiding and minimising the seriousness of their meltdowns (e.g. “some customers might be experiencing some intermittent unavailability or slowness … sometimes”) doesn’t help their cause. On Downdetector.co.uk today they inserted an advert at about 3.30 at the top of the page with a green bar saying “No problems at ebay” … scroll down half a page to see comment number 10,500 (since about 11 this morning) saying the opposite.

  35. I’ve had 1 sale of less than £2.00 all day but still can’t log in!

    Anyone have any more news. Was so hopeful for a good weekend, am gutted!!

  36. This is ridiculous.

    Ebay is hard enough to run a business on these days without having most of your best day of the week wiped out by technical issues.

    Very frustrating and very annoying.

    Not happy.

  37. Just managed a successful login – but been trying since late morning. However all my listings for today have ended with very low bids – who pays?

  38. The last outage was blamed on SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE, when there was no such announcement about any such maintenance.

    In other words, EBAY LIED TO THE MEDIA AND TO US

  39. Had several sales notifications in my email account so some seem to have got through, could be mobile app access is possible, but no access from pc yet!!.

    I emailed the beeb too of the problems,


  40. What an absolute shambles. It’s mainly back up now but ebay are still trotting out the line that ‘some’ users may have had difficulty logging in. To say theyre downplaying the scale would be an understatement.
    As we speak search isnt working for me, so presumably not working for my potential buyers.

  41. Hi All,

    Is anyone having any luck printing off postage with eBay or Paypal for Royal Mail?

    I havent had any luck since yesterday evening, it has been most disappointing.

  42. It is mostly back up and running now. Trying to delete items from lists wasn’t working for hours either. it has taken some time to clean up by ebay selling and buying etc. spaces. Quite a big waste of time.

    I do understand that things go wrong sometimes but this has happened before quite recently and to play the problem down does not do ebay any favours!!

  43. My shop items are being ended with the message that I have ended them manually as there was an error in the listing. I haven’t ended anything – this is total madness.

  44. Well tinternet at its best again !!!!!
    over 100 auction listings finish today we normally have a 50% hit rate, today 9%
    how do we protect ourselfs from this !!

  45. My suggestion for seller compensation would be that Ebay refunds the shop subscriptions for 3 months back.


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