eBay category display vanishes from listings

eBay Listing FrameSellers have been complaining for a couple of days that their category display (known as the “Nav Bar” or “Left Navigation Bar” is disappearing from their listings.

Known as the eBay Listing Frame, many sellers select eBay’s recommendation to display a shop header in their listings which can include a search box, shop page links and sign up link to email marketing, along with a category display down the left hand side of their listings. Now that Nav Bar has gone AWOL.

eBay customer support are acknowledging the issue, but currently haven’t been able to advise of a fix date.

Seeing as this is a recommended eBay setting, one can only surmise that having it missing will affect sales. Having said that it doesn’t display on eBay mobile so it won’t be impacting mobile sales. However whilst mobile sales are increasing rapidly, there are still a very large proportion of sales taking place on laptops and desktops and that’s where the sales impact will be seen.

Have you still got your listing frame complete with left hand Nav Bar, or have your categories gone AWOL?

15 Responses

  1. Yep its gone. Wondered why traffic was down. Not good for helping to point buyers to sellers other same category auctions and BINs. Will ebay refund shop fees?

  2. Noticed it missing on Tuesday morning – all shop cat’s, custom page links, etc. Cust. Serv., as noted in OP, now aware of issue but unable to give time frame for fix.
    It’s been a long standing quirk that it can take 24-48 hours for the links to reappear when reopening after a shop holiday, but never seen them disappear in this fashion before.
    Result? Surprise, surprise … no sales since Monday night. Shame as it’s just yet another minor ‘issue’ (they all add up though) that makes that £20/month sting a little more. (not to mention that as a shop seller with, hopefully, useful and relevant custom pages, I’m still not allowed the new style shop design! So, penalised for going the extra mile, again).
    Top work at Tamebay as ever.

  3. Still got the bar after a forced refresh – we are using the newer style navigation pane though. Not sure if that will affect things, as I know a lot preferred the old style and stuck with it at the time.

  4. Mine have gone, not sure when they went as I only checked yesterday after reading others had lost theirs.

    Apparently eBay are trying to fix *sigh*

    Oh & I don’t want the new shop design, it is far too plain & boring. I like to stand out from the crowd.

  5. It seems that “relist for free” links have gone and links to the ebay forums have gone from the ebay help and contact link. Clearly something happening at ebay towers. Maybe a test for the March seller release has gone live by mistake.

  6. Not only the listing frame is missing from my listings but also the banner promoting free postage for total sales over £x – along with the link to all the other items in the offer.

    So eBay has generously given me a promotion that is not being promoted.

    Not good.

  7. Hi
    I spoke to eBay “Help” desk, because “Custom Pages” link just linked back to Shop Front home page. They said that they are trying to make the all shop front less cluttered and are removing all links to other pages.
    I said that we had all our Returns details and size charts on the custom pages, but they said that all Returns in future will be handled by eBay and tough luck about size charts!!!
    They basically want very clean white pages with the least amount of clutter – except their pesty paid for Ads.

  8. Mine has gone too. We’ll probably all get defects for it because technical faults on ebay, like everything else that goes wrong these days, are surely nobody’s fault but the seller’s.

  9. The multi buy discount offer banner has gone and several multi buys have been made without a single discount. Has this promo feature been disabled? Really poor ebay customer service here!

  10. yep mine is gone .. and so have my sales too.. in fact if i get any less sales, i might as well not bother turning on my pc in the mornings

  11. This was going to be fixed on 6th March according to both CS and ‘pink’ posts.

    It is not.

  12. What is the point in having a shop without a listing frame?

    The listing frame does make it worthwhile as it drives traffic. Without the listing frame there is no other benefit other than a listing fee benefit. But then what is the point of the shop fee and listing fee benefit if there are no sales?

  13. Evening all,
    I know this thread has gone off the boil recently, but the issue is still yet to be resolved and, unsurprisingly, things are getting rather heated on the community forum – it has been almost 4 weeks after all.


    Latest update is that it may be another “few weeks” until this is sorted – still no real apology or explanation, let alone compensation for all those loyal shop keepers.

    Simply not good enough.
    (I don’t know the emoticons for eye rolling and deep sighing, but no doubt many of you know the feeling).

  14. From one comment it seems that search metatags, as well as shop catagories, have vanished. Unbelievable! Actually its ebay so its believable. Traffic is way down. Auctions are not acheiving anything like sensible money and BIN sales are non existant.


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