Tamebay is moving. Sorry for any disruption

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New Server

Tamebay will be moving to new servers later this afternoon which (apologies in advance) will cause a small interruption to normal service.

The good news is that the site won’t go offline. We’ll simply be packing up copies of all the files and bits and bobs and moving them to our new home. What will affect you is that it can take anything up to 48 hours or so for the Interweb to realise we’ve moved.

The techy name for this is Domain Name Servers (DNS). Once we’ve unpacked the silverware and got everything in it’s place we’ll update our DNS records to point to the new server. However it can take time for every DNS server in the world to be notified of the new record and in the mean time some of you will will see this our old server and others will see the new server.

Unfortunately once we’ve copied the files, any comments subsequently left on our old server won’t get migrated to the new server and will be lost once DNS updates.

If you’re reading this then you’re on our new server!

Why are we moving?

Tamebay is going to undergo a total site redesign in the near future. We’ll be asking you for your input to tell us how you use Tamebay, what you like about the current site, what you don’t like and what new features you like to see introduced.

One of the things we know that you’ll appreciate however is the speed that Tamebay loads and so the new server will aggressively cache everything from pages to feeds to make the new site load lightning fast for readers.

We will also be able to flex bandwidth when needed, about a year ago we found the limit of our current hosting when hourly traffic reached a new record high. The new server will be able to cope more easily with increased loads at the times you our readers want to use the site the most.

Ta Ra for now

Dan and I will be taking a couple of days off while the tech guys do the heavy lifting, but don’t worry we aim to be happily posting on our new server in time for Monday. See you on the other side.



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