eBay UK Pricing Promo for private sellers: max £1 final value fee on 100 listings

It seems like quite a while since we’ve reported a pricing promo for private sellers on eBay UK and this one is quite attractive.

As they say: “Create up to 100 listing(s) on eBay.co.uk in an eligible category, starting during the promotion period, using the auction-style or fixed price format, and pay a maximum of £1 in final value fees per listing if they sell.

Before your 100 listings start, you need to have actively opted in to the promotion via the RSVP link shown in the marketing communication.

You won’t pay an insertion fee for each of the 100 listings. Listing upgrade fees will still apply and will be charged according to the eBay fees policy.”

So, you need to be invited (we don’t know it’s a widespread or universal offer) and you need to opt in. Check your email and My Messages to find out of you’re eligible. Here is the page link we have. But it may be that you can’t opt-in or join in.

But it does further highlight the perks that some private sellers may have over business sellers if they are on the cusp. We wrote about that before: Will eBay businesses masquerade as private sellers to avoid 50% fee hike?


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