In this week’s news update video for TamebayTV, I look at 3 up and coming Tamebay events, see below. Alibaba‘s results were staggering, eBay is now applying VAT to UK fees and Etsy is testing new search options to increase conversion for sellers and boost its own bottom line.
Here are the events and stories mentioned in the post:
Register for the Online Seller Network London August Meetup
Webinar: Making a more efficient ecommerce warehouse – what you should know
Register your team for the 2017 Tamebay Ecommerce Cup
Tamebay eBook: 50 things every eBay seller needs to know
Have you accounted for the eBay Fees VAT change?
Alibaba delivers 56% year on year revenue growth
Etsy updates on search tests and new ideas
And don’t forget that we have lots of lovely additional video content available to you: check out our TamebayTV Youtube Channel. Firstly there’s our How to Sell on eBay series. It’s a look at at some of the basics and whether you’re new to the block or been round it a few times, I reckon you’ll find something of interest.
And there’s also plenty more too. Chats with suppliers and sellers, marketplace information and lots of tips on selling online.