eBay Concierge phone number now chargeable

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If you have access to the eBay Concierge phone number (either gifted or by virtue of paying for an eBay Anchor Store subscription), you may have noticed they’ve changed their phone number which could incur telephone charges.

Previously the eBay Concierge phone number was an 0800 number which would have been free from all mobiles and landlines. The number has now changed to an 0345 number which is charged at the same rates as a local phone call.

The number change won’t be too onerous if you have a call package with unlimited free minutes, but that is often only the case with mobile services so you might be more likely to be charged if you call from a land line.

Best advice, bearing in mind that at times you could be on hold for some time at busy periods, is either request a call back, call from a mobile with unlimited free minutes, or resort to email.

This is perhaps surprisingly less likely to affect smaller businesses as they often rely entirely on mobile communications anyway. Larger businesses with land lines may be unconcerned if they call eBay Concierge infrequently, but if you call them on a daily basis then costs will escalate.

10 Responses

  1. It just makes you think, what’s coming next.
    Increase in Anchor store Subs.
    Charged telephone number.

    We never had concierge and always got through to ebay on the phone with a few minute wait.
    Now we have been put on concierge there was a 44 minute wait for a callback earlier which actually took them an hour to phone me.
    The lady who phoned me apologised for the very long wait and I take it there is something afoot occupying ebay’s staff.

    Time will tell.

  2. Looks like ebay could be counting staples as costs going up and customer service going down.

  3. concierge was nice while it lasted
    its now much like the ebay support of old
    ebay dont seem to grasp we dont want to pass the time away
    were pissed off to begin with or we would not be phoning them,
    an hour wait does little to help

  4. If concierge is the best service, I would hate to see the worst.
    I am still waiting for a call back that I was told would be 1PM.
    Charging me insertion fees in Canada when it should be free.
    Still it’s more likely to be resolved than if it were the same issue with Amazon.

  5. Concierge has been an excellent initiative by ebay and I cant see many Concierge sellers disagreeing.

    however, the 0345 number was introduced to us from the start way back in 2016. Our ebay has not displayed the 0800 for about 20 months.

  6. after years of abysmal and frustrating customer service
    the concierge service seemed good
    though in reality was only really what you should reasonably expect
    unfortunately we feel its now slipping back to the old ebay customer service


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