Get 50% off eBay UK Final Value fees with Order Discount

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eBay have a new promotion running for qualifying sellers. If you create new campaigns with eBay promotional tool, Order Discount, you’ll get 50% off eBay UK Final Value fees on sales where the discount is applied until the 16th of August 2019.

Sellers can save money on any new campaigns using Order Discount when created before 26 July 2019 so, if you’ve already got campaigns running then it may be in your interest to pause them, create new campaigns and set them running instead. If you’ve not got campaigns running then it’s time to do so.

Internal eBay data based on analysis of campaigns from Jan-May 2019 says that on average 1 out of 5 buyers who are offered a discount on their order go on to accept the offer which is a pretty good batting average. The promotion suggests that offering an Order Discount will increase your basket size on 20% of orders and you’ll then save 50% on your eBay UK Final Value Fees on those larger than usual orders.

All sellers need to do is set up a new Order Discount campaign to see the impact that the tool can have on their sales

If the discount is offered but the buyer does not accept it, the Final Value fee reduction does not apply. For example if sellers offer 20% OFF over £100, the FVF promotion would not be applied on an order below £100.

This is a bit of a ‘No harm in trying’ campaign. The very worst that can happen is that you take five minutes to set an Order Discount campaign running and don’t get any additional sales. On the flip side you may see buyers purchasing more items to increase you average basket size and save 50% on eBay Final Value Fees as a bonus.

8 Responses

  1. Is this offer for selected eBay sellers only as we see no mention of this anywhere?
    eBay concierge are also not aware of this offer?

  2. it is hard enough trying to make a living, with what i make . maybe ebay should reduce their fees . taking a percentage of the postal costs . i want to sell goods not give them away

  3. I’ve not seen anything about it from ebay either, but if you’ve never tried it before, it is worth a go, even without any reduced FVFs from ebay.

    You don’t have to give things away or lose money. Assuming you offer free P&P and have built the shipping costs into your listed price, just select items that can be shipped together at no additional cost to your business and put them all into an order discount promotion like “buy 2 or more, get 10% off” or whatever works for your business model.

  4. We haven’t a clue what concierge say as we won’t pay for eBay customer service. As a second rate seller who has to use the call centres we can confirm the assistants know nothing of the promotion. Either it’s for the select few glitterati sellers or ebays left hand doesn’t know what it’s right hand is doing……

  5. As Gav said…

    You also can make multiple multi-buy offers, anything under £20 get up to 10% off giving a maximum of £6 discount equal to 2x £3 postage & packing built in to the extra two items.

    Above £20 you can reduce the percentage of discount

    @Jonah I thought Conceirge was a free service they either gave you with Anchor shop subscription or got invited to join.

  6. “I’ve not seen anything about it from ebay either, but if you’ve never tried it before, it is worth a go, even without any reduced FVFs from ebay.”

    Note that eBay has recently made use of more ‘targeted’ marketing offers on both the buyer and seller side; this offer appears to be one of these types of promotions requiring the seller to have both received the invitation (in their eBay message inbox) and ‘activated’ the promotion.

    If this was a targeted offer and you did not both receive and activate it, beware you are likely not going to get the 50% off FVF discount.


    “As a second rate seller who has to use the call centres we can confirm the assistants know nothing of the promotion”

    If you don’t have access to concierge consider contacting eBay social support on Twitter at @askeBay the next time you need a non-urgent issue (they typically respond w/in 1 day)

  7. Yeah, good luck!!

    sell 20 items with big discounts, equals 20 instant defects instead of 1 if the customer says it doesn’t match the description.

    Now your f….d for 3 months.

  8. The invite is selective, I had an invitation on the 15th July, it is in my message inbox under the “From eBay” tab.

    This is a new account, only two months old. with less than 600 sales I did not get an invite on my 3 year old account.

    @Trumpton, not sure what planet you are on, it would be down to you what discount you are on and what does it matter if you sell 20 items at a discount or 20 items at full value, the defect would be the same.


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