eBay Upfront is heading to Brooklyn, New York with an aim to connect the marketplace sellers with other local traders in a networking opportunity where they can share tips, practical approaches and tactics to accelerate their growth path on the marketplace. The free-to-attend event will be taking place at The Greenpoint Loft, Brooklyn, NY on Wednesday, 6th of November. Secure your place here.
The event is a localised approach to connecting with sellers by meeting them in their local communities. The aim is to help them network, learn and grow their eBay businesses.
This April saw eBay debuting their event in Miami where they met with an existing eBay Meetup group, with further events scheduled for New York, Kansas City, Detroit, Deltona and then back to New York.
eBay say that their new and localised approach is designed to empowering their seller community as “eBay UpFront puts a seller’s business front-and-centre—and not just for the evening.” It shows merchants that their hometown isn’t the only place where they do business but also where they raise families and contribute to their community.
eBay Upfront agenda
6:30-7:00pm|Register and Connect
7:00-8:00pm|eBay Presentations
8:00-9:00pm|Roundtable Discussions
9:00-9:30pm|Desserts and Other Sweet Things