Star Wars Figures – eBay for Business Awards 2019 Green Shoots Seller and Grand Prize winner

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I had £50 left in my pocket and I thought what can I turn that in to? And over the years I’ve been doing eBay now I’ve built that into over a quarter of a million pounds in sales.

That’s how the story of Adam Ashford started which culminated this week with his business, Star Wars Figures, winning the Green Shoots Seller Award category and then going on to be voted the eBay for Business Awards Grand Prize winner for 2019.

After is online fitness company closed, Adam’s options were limited. With a baby on the way, Adam is also a carer for both his parents who are unwell and ill and also his brother who suffers from schizophrenia. As a life long Star Wars fan, Adam decided to list some of his collectors items on eBay and when he saw the sales figures started to hung local charity products to boost his inventory.

Then with his £50 investment he designed a Star Wars wall chart detailing every Star Wars figure released and that’s been a staple of his business ever since.

Adam’s story is so typical of many eBay sellers who started out when they were broke and have built up a business that fits around their circumstances. You don’t need tens of thousands of pounds to invest, you just need to get started and, as with Adam, it really helps if you find a niche you’re passionate about as your expertise in the area will shine through… plus if you love what you do it makes it more fun which is why Adam turned to the Star Wars Figures he’s loved since he was at school.

Adam is a fan of eBay mobile – he lists his Star Wars figures and wall charts using his mobile phone for everything from taking images and listing to managing his sales. As Adam says, eBay is mobile with him wherever he goes.

Adam’s son Charlie is now 10 years old and after school father and son finish the working day with the final post run to ship orders that come in later in the day.

Adam’s message is that anyone can do eBay at any stage of their life and you can start with absolutely nothing. All you need is access to the Internet and a mobile phone.

3 Responses

  1. Does anyone bother to proof-read articles before they’re published?? It might be a good idea to start.

  2. Adam’s story is proof that hard work and persistence can be rewarding. Well done Adam.


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