2020 Royal Mail Prices valid from 23rd March

No primary category set

Whilst most 2020 Royal Mail Prices will go up on the 23rd of March 2020, it’s worth calling out that the UK’s national postal service are making a play for 5kg economy parcels. The price of a 2nd Class medium parcel weighing up to 2kg has gone down from £13.75 to £8.79.

All other 2020 Royal Mail Prices for 1st and 2nd Class postage valid from 23rd of March 2020 are below. Please note that these are the consumer prices – if you have a business account with Royal Mail then you would have been notified of your new prices which came into effect in January.

2020 Royal Mail Prices – 1st Class


Weight up to and including

2019 Price

2020 Price

Letter 100g 70p 76p
Large Letter 100g £1.06 £1.15
250g £1.50 £1.64
500g £1.97 £2.14
750g £2.72 £2.95
Small Parcel 1kg £3.55 £3.70
2kg £5.50 £5.57
Medium Parcel 1kg £5.80 £5.90
2kg £8.95 £9.02
5kg £15.85 £15.85
10kg £21.90 £21.90
20kg £33.40 £33.40


2020 Royal Mail Prices – 2nd Class


Weight up to and including

2019 Price

2020 Price

Letter 100g 61p 65p
Large Letter 100g 83p 88p
250g £1.32 £1.40
500g £1.72 £1.83
750g £2.33 £2.48
Small Parcel 1kg £3.00 £3.10
2kg £3.00 £3.10
Medium Parcel 1kg £5.10 £5.20
2kg £5.10 £5.20
5kg £13.75 £8.79
10kg £20.25 £20.25
20kg £28.55 £28.55

24 Responses

  1. The union got their way, jobs safe but cost to customers increased…

    Give it 5 years and Amazon Delivery will not only be offering UK delivery to business customers but will eat up the home – home postal service market.

  2. Chris is that column correct?
    Large Letter 100g 2nd class £1.15 in 2020 from 88p 2019.
    So they are now the same as 2020 1st class 100g @ £1.15
    That is strange if they are charging the same for 1st and 2nd…

  3. i am also confused by the L Lerrer, 1st and 2nd class stamp both being £115.
    Can someone enlighten us please?

  4. The small parcel rate looks reasonably competitive until you get to see the dimensions,
    Honestly, why anyone would pay through the nose to visit a post office when they can have parcels collected from their door cheaper by a courier is entirely beyond me.

  5. @Nick if you’ve had 6000 parcels handled via Royal Mail without so much as a single problem then your the luckiest man in the world. Please can you choose some lotto numbers for me ? ?

  6. Nick – who are these drivers who drive carefully??

    Minimum environmental impact?

    Cannot see that. The ‘single trip between post offices back to depot’ once a day does not happen around my area, there are multiple trips a day. First delivering post – then another van collecting from post box – that can happen more than once a day – then a van collecting from a few post offices during rush hour.
    I’m 3 miles from local depot, just based on different staff doing work I guess can are doing 30 miles a day, 3 to 4 hours of that sat in rush hour traffic, back and forth to my village. And based on experience elsewhere that is not uncommon.

  7. Our royal mail collection van dots about all over the local area most of the afternoon pickingr up from different business at different times
    Passing the same premises often
    Without collecting due to the different collection times

  8. What about letters to Europe? New prices not shown.
    Stop those cookies – we do not wish to have our personal details recorded.n either will we have our choice of adverts etc info limited according to someone elses opinion.

  9. “The price of a 2nd Class medium parcel weighing up to 2kg has gone down from £13.75 to £8.79.”

    Should read: The price of a 2nd Class medium parcel weighing up to 5kg has gone down from £13.75 to £8.99.

  10. Anyone concerned about the 12% (on average) increases to the amount you pay for business mail that Royal Mail have applied over the last few months (since November 2019) as shown below…?

    Nov 2019 – 3.5% increase (fuel surcharge more than doubles from 3% to 6.5%)

    Jan 2020 – 4.5% price increase (interim price change)

    From Mar 23rd 2020 – 4.2% price increase (annual price change)

    % increases vary by service and whether domestic or International but average out at around 12% increased since Nov 19.

    A lot of people thought the price increase on Jan 2 was the annnual price increase brought forward not an interim/additional hike.

  11. If you are looking to send ‘flat mail’ (postcards, letters, or similar), Stannp can help.

    No minimum send volume or minimum spend, no sign up fees or subscriptions, a ‘pay as you go’ mail solution.

    Stannp’s prices for 2020 are from just 34p for postcards or from 40p for enveloped letters, printed and posted.

    Full blog post with details here; https://www.stannp.com/direct-mail/2020/02/24/the-price-of-mail/

    Full disclosure, I am an employee of Stannp – but I’m also a user of our platform (in send mail through it myself), and happy to help you save money on your mailing costs.


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