Coronavirus Lockdown Relaxations – Go back to Work

It is now over two months since restrictions on freedom were introduced, announced Boris Johnson as he started his broadcast, pointing out that countries around the world have had to take similar measures. He went to thank (those who have taken the lock down seriously and weren’t in parks this weekend) for their efforts to control the virus, before announcing conditional coronavirus lockdown relaxations for the future.

It has come as a colossal loss to our way of life with millions of people fearful of the disease and at the same time fearful for their income said Boris. This is why he wanted to provide a roadmap for the way ahead and the basis that these steps will take. Noting differences between the four nations of the UK, Boris said that there is a conditional plan and consensus for moving forward and that all four nations are committed to defeating the virus.

It is however clear that the four nations don’t all agree with Boris with Wales already moving faster and garden centres about to reopen, Scotland insisting there will be no change at the moment and keeping the Stay at Home message, and Northern Ireland also saying that there isn’t room to adjust the measures at the moment. If you live in Wales but work in Bristol in England, or vice versa there will be some interesting inconsistencies to work through.

New Covid Alert Level

There will be a new Covid Alert level, based on the R value – how quickly the virus is being transmitted.

Level 1 – Covid no longer present in the UK with level 5 being a material danger that the NHS could be overwhelmed. Currently we have been at level 4 and are transitioning to level 3.

It was unsaid that any changes do not suggest that the virus has been defeated. Relaxations will in time be able to detect local flare ups in your area with the good news being that an ICU bed will be available for your if you need it. Many will have a mild illness but for a small percentage this will still be a critical illness and some will die.

Conditional Coronavirus Lockdown Relaxations – Go to Work

The announcement came tonight that if you can work from home then you should, but if you can’t work from home you should go to work. Naturally this doesn’t include hospitality and leisure businesses that have specifically been told to close – it applies to all of the businesses that chose to close.

If possible avoid public transport to get you to work. If you can walk to work or ride a bike, or drive. If not then public transport with social distancing should be used.

This isn’t an optional, it is very clear that if you or your employer chose not to work out of an abundance of caution that the time has come to go back to work. Businesses will have to consider how to keep employees safe with social distancing and possible PPE and advice will be given.

So go to work, as soon as tomorrow morning in just over 12 hours time, without using public transport, and of course without replying on aged grandparents for childcare as your children won’t be in school… Oh, and probably best check that your employer will be there to unlock the doors and let you in.

This really won’t happen tomorrow, but it’s an indication that it’s time to at least plan to get back to work and we can expect the next announcements to be the ramping down of the employee and self employed income replacement packages and an even stronger encouragement to get back to work.

Conditional Coronavirus Lockdown Relaxations Road Map

The first step will be that the public will be allowed to spend more time outside, exercising as often as they choose and to sunbathe in parks, but ONLY with members of your own household. For those breaking the rules, fines will be increased.

The second step will be to start to reopen schools from the 1st of June at the earliest.

Then the third step will be to start opening other businesses and venues including hospitality, but not before July at the earliest.

It will soon be the time to impose quarantine people coming into the UK by air. This will be a massive blow for the airline industry.

Boris was keen to emphasise that all of these steps will be monitored closely and if infections increase and if the alert level won’t allow it then the steps will be paused.

Boris ended by saying that for now, we must stay alert, control the virus and save lives.

12 Responses

  1. It will just be a shambles in Scotland. There will be those who follow Sturgeon and those who will follow Boris.
    I can kinda see where Sturgeon is coming from. I would rather really crush the thing as low as possible and we did get it later up here.

    Wait for all the images of packed trains, tubes, buses and motorways in England. I expect it is wait and see. Plus the NHS has not been runover, and we cannot keep people locked up forever.

    I also think we will end up with different restrictions between rural and urban areas.
    Germany had a spike already in infections after lifting its lockdown.

  2. Sturgeon
    Has been a credit to scotland
    We know everything is not right
    Though she has shown honesty ,integrity, and clarity
    Every chance she will get my vote next time
    And I am English

  3. From a Welsh perspective, it would be great if Drakeford and Gethin would get their asses into gear and get testing going here in Wales.

    This may be one factor behind the reluctance to relax anything.

    But essentially, nobody should be forced back to work if it is not safe to do so.

    Lives are worth far more than money, so let’s hope we don’t see a new wave of cases from what Boris has announced.

  4. boris and his crew have billions of investments and stocks to worry about
    to cloud their judgment when decision making

  5. @ awesome Jim. i did not realise that Borris was making decisions for the country based on his personal investments! And his “crewe” too”. shocking news. thank you for keeping us informed! I will immediately switch to SNP. awesome as always.

  6. Time will tell whos right
    Boris and his crew are a bunch of bumbling public school boys
    Boris nearly died because he caught the virus
    Probably Due to his own actions grand standing
    Shaking hands in a covid ward



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