We decided that having written about Boffer’s “Pile of Crap” daily deal that we’d secretly buy one just to see what turned up. We weren’t going to let Boffer know as we didn’t want any special treatment for Tamebay, so we just went ahead and purchased one and it duly turned up at my neighbours house.
In truth is that if I was starting out as a casual eBay business I could make some money here. The deal promised “One big box and approx one hundred crappy items” for £19.99. and Boffer didn’t disappoint. In truth there’s one item I’m secretly pleased with – the 4″ heavy duty spring clamps, however I didn’t really need 14 sets of two of them, just a couple would have done.
The rest of the haul… well I’ll let you decide for yourself, just bear two things in mind: Average item cost was just 20p but it was still a pile of crap.
If you want to buy your own pile of crap you’ll have to wait until the next time it comes up on Boffer. Today’s deal just gone live is for 300 assorted mobile phone cases for £20.99 so at least you’ll know what you’re getting.
8 Responses
Well you got better items than I did as most of the stuff seems to be retail packed rather an loose, although im not too disappointing with what I received.
Have just sole 20 scoobie strings so on the way to making my money back.
Has anyone watched this video and immediately thought of the Generation Game?
Just watched the video.
When will the next video be on of you wearing some of the gear.
I can picture it now.
Bra, winnie the pooh watch, leg warmers
Now where will he put the clamps….
Looks like it would be more suited to a car booter. Maybe you could sell it as a job lot on eBay.
It’s 25p per item with the £4.99 postage. 30p per item if anyone is not vat registed