Easy to miss amongst other higher-profile announcements today, and because it’s not actually linked from the main annoucements page, is the sad news of the demise of eBay Express.
The writing on the wall for Express appeared during last week’s earnings call, when JD said “eBay Express has been a fantastic learning laboratory and we’re going to take those learnings and pull them into core eBay’s fixed price experience.” Damned with faint praise if ever anything was. I’m assuming this means that .com’s Express site is also closing, though right at this moment, I’m not finding an announcement for that.
Any Express-only listings still live after Express UK closes will be ended. Oddly, the announcement seems to have no actual date of intended closure on it. It all seems rather lacklustre, as though they thought that buyers and sellers alike wouldn’t really be very interested. Funny, that.
6 Responses
Well as buyers weren’t interested in buying from Express, they probably won’t notice it’s demise! Can’t say I’m surprised really. It was never any use to me anyway, and many sellers complained that there weren’t enough categories, and then the expected sales never emerged…the writing was on the wall really.
heard mid feb for closure of express. not surprised about this tho, really didnt take off. i listed when it 1st came out, but found i wasnt gettign the exposure, and the whole id of a seperate site for express just didnt make sense. goodbye express 😉
Just read they are also closing the rewards programme (https://web.ebay.co.uk/businesshub/index.php?page=rewards_uk).
I saw that coming 🙂
Hey Mario – no loss there to be honest, the discounts for volume/powerseller/business sellers with decent DSRs are miles better as a replacement. eBay rewards were only good if you were increasing your sales substantially month on month, discounts are there even if business decreases slightly 🙂
So that’s two of ebay’s recent crackpot schemes down the pan. They were replaced with two others fast enough! Two in, two out. Sounds like the way sellers will be coming and going ……
tis a pity about EE imho. I once bought on there after I couldn’t find an item on eBay, did a Google search & found a result for EE – so in my case, it brought in what would have been a lost sale. Only used it the once, though…