If you’ve forgotten that it’s Mother’s day today, shame on you! But it’s not too late to bring a smile to your mums face today – why not buy her a truly unique present in the form of some aff_link("https://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Helena-Christensen-Royal-Mail-Smilers-Stamp-Collection_W0QQitemZ250220991846QQihZ015QQcategoryZ3500QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem","Royal Mail Smilers created and signed by Helena Christensen","","UK"); ?>, the supermodel turned professional photographer? What makes them even more unique is the fact she created them from photographs of her son, Mingus.
Smilers are a unique way to personalise your post by combining one of your own photos with a Royal Mail stamp. They’re available from Royal Mail in sheets of 20 stamps and Helena has five special personally signed sheets of Smilers included in the auction, to celebrate Mother’s Day.

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- 17 Oct
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5 Responses
If I was called Mingus, I’d look as happy as that as well.
Mingus?! Presumably named after Charles of that ilk, but really. What *was* she thinking?
Yeah, some Jazz dude.
“Charles Mingus (April 22, 1922 – January 5, 1979) was an American jazz bassist, composer, bandleader, and occasional pianist. He was also known for his activism against racial injustice.”
Take your pick.
Biggles (and anyone else): if you like jazz at all, Mingus is a genius.
It’s probably worth adding you can design your own Smilers via the RM website.