If you’ve not already done it already, this is the weekend to delete subtitles from the Decemeber promotion off your Good Til Canceled listings (GTC).
eBay have now enabled editing listings to aff_link("https://www2.ebay.com/aw/uk/200902051556392.html","add or remove features from GTC listings","","UK"); ?>, including subtitles. Up until now once a listing had a sale it wasn’t possible to edit it with canceling and relaunching. The ability to add and remove features has been live since 3rd February and for most features the SYI form, TurboLister and eBay’s Bulk Editing tools can be used.
The exception for editing is Subtitle, which can only be removed using the SYI form. If you need to remove subtitles from GTC listings, still live from the promotion for which you don’t want to be charged, then sadly your only option is to use the clunky SYI form to do them one at a time.
11 Responses
We just released an update to Turbo Lister today (02/06) that allows the removal of subtitles
-Ajay Agrawal
eBay Seller Tools
Wow! Thanks Ajay! Superb timing!
Sadly two items I tried to edit with TL failed
“An error number “System.OriginalSale.Restricted” occurred while processing your request.” on one and “Description cannot be revised if the item has bid or active Best Offers or is ending in 12 hours.” on another (which has 22days left to run and doesn’t have any Best Offers either outstanding or expired/completed) 🙁
Ajay Agrawal ebays turbo listers big cheese
#3 Maybe not on Monday Norf 😆
Hi Chris, I just sent you an email asking for more information (did you take updates, can you send me the item numbers on which you are having this issue)
I tried to edit postage on live buy it now listings with bids yesterday. It could not be done with seller manager pro, file exchange or turbo lister.
I ended up having to do it item by item 🙁
Hi Ajay, screenshot with offending items on it’s way to you
Yippee – my TurboLister is fixed! Deleting the items from the active tab, resetting TurboLister and resynching to drag them back down from eBay has got it all sorted 😀
Chris, how do you reset turbo lister?
#9 Delete anything or everything in the Activity tab, especially any items with errors (You want to force a good copy from the eBay site, but do NOT delete anything that you want to keep from the Inventory tab!)
Next time TL resynchs with eBay it’ll drag fresh copies of active or ended items that you deleted and all should be well 🙂
Thanks Chris, seems like you still can’t edit postage (live listing with sales).