6 Minutes with John Donahoe (video)

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eBay’s official blogger RBH has posted a video interview with eBay Inc CEO John Donahoe that I think many of you will find of interest. Let us know your response to his comments.

17 Responses

  1. Has he been told that his mobile platform has a whole host of issues including security?

    Buyers and sellers right now and for the forseeable future still need to use their computers to complete the deal. I had a buyer today saying he could not make his Paypal payment on his mobile device. This can slow things up so how does this affect feedback and DSR’s?

    The feedback process has to move with the times yet it seems to be the last thing on the CEO’s mind.

    He says ebay are a good choice becuase they are a facilator and they don’t offer up competition. When I do a search for a product why do I get links to identical items on the search page taking me to “off ebay” competitor sites?

    I could go on but I will stop. These are the sort of questions his target customer (big business?) will be asking?

    Makes me think he does not actually buy and sell on ebay!

  2. I am hoping that he soon thinks Ebay is redundant to his relationship with large retailers and spins it off…

    So we can get back to being Ebay Sellers again.

    Instead of Advertisers who pay for exposure and don’t get it.

  3. This was about large retail.

    From above #3:

    ‘Ebay is just an incremental channel’ well for large multi channel retailers it simply is. In the ‘good times’ those large retailers would not be on eBay. Right time right place just now.

    Not being a ‘large retailer’, there was nothing in that video that I could relate to in respect of the reason(s) that I currently sell on eBay or that might encourage me to expand with them.

    Totally non dimensional for me.

  4. All I heard was “LARGE RETAILERS”

    No good – what happened to the level playing field?

    I agree with Mark – the sooner the marketplace is spun off and eBay inc becomes an online trading platform for LARGE RETAILERS the better but until then we will continue to fight the good fight!

  5. I wonder if the big retailers have the same problems with INR claims as much as the small companies.

    This is pure corporate speak,you didn’t think that he would rock the boat did you?.

  6. Here today , gone tomorrow , with modern technology moving so fast , it will only take a new invention and eBay could be gone forever .
    The only thing between Ebay and it’s customer’s is a web page , a completely new invention could change the way people shop on line in the near future .
    I remember going into a video shop about 20 years ago and the owner was making a fortune hiring out videos , today it is no business , the same with photographic developing shops .
    I am a business psychic and my prediction over the last 50 years have been 100% correct .
    My prediction is that eBay will be gone by March 2014 caused by a new invention developed by high technical scientists in Australia

  7. I think eBay’s outlook will struggle if they don’t pay attention to the small, unique, and used. They give up a lot of sellers to these smaller niche micro sites but all those items are what made eBay what it is. Once bigger retailers get their internet game figured out the opportunity to sell those same items on eBay will shrink. Add to that the fact that the big name brands that sell on eBay may pull out to sell on their own platforms with out the over head of eBay and they could have a real problem real fast.

    We’ve been selling on eBay forever and just hope they keep making the right decisions to allow us to be successful.

  8. eBay sell loads of new ipads/ipods. So do Tesco, Currys, PCWorld, Amazon, HMV, Apple Stores, Comet, Argos and countless other outlets. You don’t need ebay to buy a new ipad/ipod.

    ipads/ipods are not what makes ebay unique encouraging punters to visit time after time.

    The sellers that bring the traffic are the ones that get ignored right now. Those are the sellers of unique and secondhand goods that nobody else sells.

    If anything the fees should be lower for the sellers of unique and secondhand items that bring the traffic and higher for the sellers of everyday stuff that can be bought in any highstreet. But ebay for some reason cannot see it!

    What is ebay without its sellers of unique and secondhand items?

    These should be nurtured not shot down in flames by ebay.



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