I’m starting to think it would be easier to write when there *wasn’t* a free listing weekend for private sellers. Yet again this Saturday and Sunday, 14th-15th April, private sellers can list up to 100 auction style listings for free.
Same rules, same conditions, no PowerSellers, no Business Sellers, No professional listing tools, Sell Your Item form or mobile apps only for listing and a start price of £1 or higher. As usual you need to have met eBay’s minimum selling standards but other than that if you have a bet and lose on the Grand National tomorrow then get your money back by clearing out your unwanted items on eBay.
Full details are on eBay on the page.
3 Responses
Maybe Ebay need to make a decision about whether they should charge listing fees or not… 🙂
Whats the point i can never sell anything on their these days. and having to list one at a time every free listing day they can stuff it iv got better things to do.