eBay highlight sellers’ special offers to buyers

eBay have done something good for sellers which I’ve just spotted. Just underneath the Buy It Now box they’ve put a link reading “Special offer available on this and additional items” which when you click it takes you to the product bundles available for that listing.

I really like this, previously the product bundles were available but they weren’t easy to spot from the top of the listing page. This new messaging and link gives a clear indication to buyers that there are additional items available to purchase related to the item that they’re looking at and gives them the opportunity to buy a set of products all in one go.

There are only two ways to make more money as a retailer, get more customers and increase your average order value and finding more customers is a lot harder than increasing the spend from each customer when they come to pay. Bravo eBay, a really good move!

If you’re not already using product bundles on your eBay listings then check out and start listing related items today and linking them to cross sell direct from the view item page.

13 Responses

  1. I run a category leading shop. We’ve been using Cross Selling for a while. It took a while to get going but they work well now. Very well, in fact.

    Effective use of such will also help inform buyers as to the range of products in your shop. You may notice an increase in general ‘bundles’ – not necessarily ones you’re advertising. This can be especially profitable, for obvious reasons

    One of the immediate revisions I’d like to see eBay make would be to allow sellers to dictate the order the bundled products appear, and to improve the revenue analytics.

    Here’s a few cursory tips:

    Take your time, don’t rush – if you do it properly, it’s (more or less) a one-off time investment (much like creating that killer GTC listing).

    Ensure each and every product is marked with the ACCURATE custom label (Bulk Editor in active listings is good for making edits on the fly). This will be evident as you go through the process of creating bundles.

    Be as aggressive as you can initially. It all helps chalk up that all important sales score. But keep an eye on it.

    Consider using percentage discounts rather than fixed price discounts.

    Order-size discounts are, I find, are easier and quicker to to setup across a range of products. However, you get a little more control with Related Offers.

    Don’t even think about running a bundle without reading the help guide first. Trust me on that!

    I would expect to see further improvements to Cross Selling tools. However, that’s just my suspicion and not based on anything eBay have announced.

    If there’s enough demand, I’ll gladly write a guide on this. Or just ask Chris to forward my details.

    Mark B.



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