200 free listings for selected sellers

No primary category set

200 free listingsThere’s another free listing promotion this weekend and again it’s for specially selected private sellers only.

The deal is for up to 200 free listings between Saturday the 28th and Tuesday the 1st of July (so four days instead of the normal 2). It covers both auction-style and fixed price formats so if you’re one of the lucky ones you’ve got several days to get listing.

Apart from needing an invite, it’s pretty much the normal terms and conditions and are on eBay.

8 Responses

  1. No invite on any of my 3 private IDs.
    Nor did I get any of the vouchers or free Nectar points on any accounts.
    I guess eBay really don’t love me any more. 🙁

  2. Got the invite on my Private buying ID, although the £20/£75 voucher would have been better

  3. Free listing promotions should be stopped.

    Unfortunately they encourage people to list whatever crap they have in the attic, garage, under the stairs, bed, etc… and fills the site with garbage. Loads of which never sells but then when something does sell its ofton just for a minimum opening bid – typically 99p!!

    The fact is these people are skinflints living in hope. They know it probably won’t sell or if it does then it will be for just a few pence. This is why they want to avoid listing fees. Lets face it, if you think your item is actually worth something and it will sell then you would have no issue paying a listing fee, which is only a few pence anyway.

    These promotions clutter the site with garbage and should be stopped.


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